Done NSA Want to Learn Three Secrets that Make a Good Presentation Great?
National Speakers Association webinar conducted by Patricia Fripp, CSP, CPAE
Be a Better Speaker series Kick-Off event. NSA offers this event to members and non-members at no charge.
Want to Learn Three Secrets that Make a Good Presentation Great?
You are invited to an action-packed, content-rich, advanced presentation skills event with Patricia Fripp. Our focus will be on three areas of your presentation. After this session you will better understand how to:
Connect to your audience…in person and online
Open your presentation with impact…options are abundant
Improve the quality of your words…specificity builds credibility
The session is designed to help you implement the ideas and techniques immediately.
Part one is to listen as Patricia introduces you to proven principles that are little-known or frequently overlooked.
There will be plenty of opportunity for audience involvement.
We invite all attendees to come to our session with the first 3 minutes of their presentation transcribed.
The first ten registrants may send their 3-minute opening script for a Fripp review.
Three of those will be invited to deliver their content for Patricia’s razor-focused mini-coaching.
Part two is when the attendees break into virtual meeting rooms to discuss and implement.
Patricia will be on hand to give advice and to answer your questions.
It is impossible to attend this session and not learn how to make a good presentation great.
Wednesday, May 19 at 2pm PT/5pm ET
Members and Non Members Register here
Only NSA members can attend the coaching and discussion afterward. The recording will be added to the NSA File Vault.
“As a seasoned speaker being coached by Patricia Fripp has helped me deliver my game-changing message with more power and eloquence. My client testimonials and feedback prove it.” Ron Karr, CSP, Best Selling Author, Past President, National Speakers Association
“I wanted a super bowl quality coach. Patricia Fripp’s help in coaching and scripting was world-class. With Fripp on your team, you can go places.” Don Yaeger, Long-Time Associate Editor for Sports Illustrated magazine, New York Times Best-Selling Author
“As the author of a best-selling sales book the best investment in my speaking career was to hire speech coach Patricia Fripp. She is the master at helping even seasoned speakers improve the structure and script of their presentations.”Andy Paul, Author, Zero Time Selling