I help high-tech companies with product launches and customer user conferences to highlight the value of their technology. It is a privilege to assist brilliant technical presenters in better understanding how to talk like real people speaking to real people. Their presentations need to simplify the complexity of technology without ever using the words basic […]


Remember how exciting it was when you first fell in love? Your heart somersaulted every time you met the one you loved. The two of you sat up talking all night and never ran out of something to say. You always seemed to have so much energy. The thrill of falling in love is wonderful. […]


When you have regular access to thought-provoking speakers, in the same meeting with interesting audience members, your life will be greatly improved. We are all familiar with the expression, “If you want something done, give it to a busy person!” Which leads to a new non-paying, volunteer position. I accepted the position of president for […]


As we stride into 2024, it’s crucial to recognize the impact of recency bias – the tendency to overemphasize recent experiences or the latest information when forecasting future events. This bias can skew our expectations, leading us to believe that the near past is a mirror of what’s to come. However, there’s an alternative viewpoint […]


As a budding entrepreneur embarking on my journey with my upscale men’s hairstyling salon, I vividly remember attending my first management seminar. This was, of course, many moons ago, yet one statement from that day has stayed with me: ‘Your business is as good as your worst employee.’ Quite the alarming thought, isn’t it? Fast […]


Every story has a “Once Upon a Time.”  Part Two. The place where the intricate weave of values, experiences, and influences begins to shape the fabric of our lives. When I was twelve, I knew I was more artistic than academic and enjoyed engaging with, and learning from, adults. It seemed a good idea to […]


Criticism, or as you may prefer to call it, “constructive feedback,” is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to refine their presentation skills. While the sting of criticism can be unsettling, embracing it as a tool for growth is a hallmark of a seasoned professional. The Audience as Critics In my extensive career as a […]


Swanage in World War II Exploring the history of a town or city adds a rich layer of appreciation to our experience of a place.I love being a tourist and understand the value of delving into the past to enhance my understanding and connection with a destination. During my vacation in Swanage, Dorset, near my […]