Building an extraordinary relationship with your audience is vital for the success of your presentation. This relationship hinges on two crucial elements: intellectual and emotional connection. While logic engages your audience’s thinking, it is emotion that motivates them to take action.

The intellectual connection stems from the content you present and the logical reasoning you employ to make your case.

When you utilize charts, statistics, and survey results, you establish an intellectual bond with your audience.

For you to establish an emotional connection, on the other hand, is relatively easier.

The most effective way to achieve this is by using “you-focused” language, creating a balanced “I-You ratio.” Pay attention to how frequently you say “I” compared to “you” or “us.”


As you may know, my brother Robert Fripp played on David Bowie’s Heroes.

In our presentations on How to Be a Hero For More Than One Day, I ask Robert questions and he gives brilliant and thoughtful answers.

PF How do we become a hero?

Robert Fripp talks about the 3 types of heroes.

RF Practice!
We practice acts of heroism. Two approaches: the extensive & the intensive approaches.
The extensive: the hero does what is possible for them – plus 10%. This gradually extends the parameters of our competence.

We begin with what is possible and move gradually towards the impossible.
The intensive: to undertake an act of quality.
A third approach is extensive-intensive: we undertake acts of quality on a regular basis.

PF What is an act of quality?

RF An act of quality follows the injunction: honor necessity, honor sufficiency.
Honor necessity is the Rule of Quality.
Honor sufficiency is the Rule of Quantity.
When we honor necessity, we do what is required of us; regardless of like and dislike, and personal interest.

When we honor sufficiency, we use the right amount of the right kind of energy necessary to do the job, to discharge the function.

We address the economy, ecology, and efficiency of the energy supply: the quality, quantity & intensity of energy needed to do the job.
The aim is to do as little as possible, and as much as is necessary.
Attention. In practice, an act of quality is governed by the quality of our attention. So, an important part of practicing acts of quality is practicing attention.

PF Why is an act of quality important?

RF Because this is how we transform our sorry world, one small act at a time.
The first principle is: Quality is ungovernable by number.

So, a small act of quality is as big as a big act of quality.
In the Gospels, we have the Parable of The Widow’s Mite. In the World of Quantity, her donation was worthless. In the World of Quality, she gave all that she had.

The second principle is: Quality spreads.
An act of quality moves out and into the world, and has effect in ways we’ll never know.
We will never see the results & repercussions of an act of quality; although we may be confident that Right Action will have Just Consequences.

If you missed part one Robert Fripp How to Be a Hero For More Than One Day

 If you enjoyed this you will really love The Wit, Wisdom, and Life of Robert Fripp

Guitar legend Robert Fripp reads Deliver Unforgettable Presentations.

When you deliver a presentation, have a conversation with senior management, or network in your professional community do you sound intelligent, powerful, polished, articulate, and confident?

To sound more intelligent:
Pace your words, speaking just a bit more slowly to allow yourself time to select the most appropriate vocabulary and to give the impression of thoughtfulness.

Honor everyday heroes.
Robert Fripp & Patricia Fripp delivering a keynote on How to Be a Hero for More Than One Day

As you may know, my brother Robert Fripp played on David Bowie’s Heroes. In our presentations on How to Be a Hero For More Than One Day, I ask Robert questions and he gives brilliant and thoughtful answers.

As one ordinary hero to another, I hope you find this as thoughtful and brilliant as I do.

PF What does it mean to be a hero?

RF The hero aspires to three things:
the clarity to see what is required of them;
the courage to accept what is required of them;
the capacity to discharge what is required of them.
Clarity, courage, capacity.
Three categories of heroes:
the unlikely, or occasional, hero;
the everyday, or ordinary, hero;
the superhero.
The occasional (or unlikely) hero is one who responds honorably to an unlikely & unexpected event: they rise to an occasion, to a challenge, when it presents itself.


“The Rule of Three” is a writing and speaking principle suggesting that a trio of events or characters is more humorous, satisfying, and effective than other numbers.

The trio format holds a special appeal to audiences. The use of three elements offers brevity, rhythm, and a concise pattern that sticks in your audiences’ minds. with the smallest amount of information needed to create a pattern.

It makes an author or speaker appear knowledgeable while remaining both accessible and catchy.

Slogans, film titles, jokes, speaking techniques, and writing have been structured in threes, a tradition that grew out of oral storytelling.

For example, the classic “The Three Little Pigs,” “Three Billy Goats Gruff,” and The Three Musketeers. Similarly, adjectives are often grouped in threes to emphasize an idea.

The Latin phrase “Omne trium perfectum” (Everything that comes in threes is perfect, or every set of three is complete.) conveys the same idea as “The Rule of Three.”


In my world of powerful presentations, I encourage my speech-coaching clients and audiences to never underestimate the power of a pause.

In this article, we will explore the significance of the pause and how you can leverage it to create additional impact in your presentations.

The Essence of a Pause:

A pause is not a moment of nothing; it is a deliberate tool that helps you establish an intellectual and emotional connection with your audience. By pausing at strategic moments, you allow your listeners time to process what you have said, enabling them to stay engaged and follow your message effectively. This is particularly crucial if you tend to speak rapidly, as pauses provide the necessary breathing room for your audience.

Use Punctuation as a Guide:


Are you losing sales you feel you deserve to win?

Are you confident that everyone on your sales team can deliver your company story well?

Are you making the fatal flaw of many sales managers?

Make More Sales More Often when you perfect your sales presentation

You may be like many of my clients before I work with them. You have great products and services—perhaps complicated and technical in nature—and they require an incredible amount of trust to sell.

You invest in your sales professionals with product knowledge, ways you compare to your competition, territory management, and technology the company uses. Then you say, “Go out and call on the C-Suite.”

However, you may often fall short on training your sales professionals to create and deliver an engaging, clear, concise, and prospect-friendly presentation.

Lisa Poole knows how to capture an audience’s attention.

Are you ready to take your presentations to the next level and captivate your audience from the very beginning?

One surefire way to make a memorable impact is by incorporating interesting statistics and little-known facts into your opening.

In this article, we will explore a brilliant example of how industry expert Lisa Poole used these techniques to engage her audience and set the stage for her presentation delivered at a PayrollOrg convention about “Adding Value to Your Organization Through Job Costing.”

Let’s dive in and discover the power of intriguing statistics!


I am on the couch reading “Just Another Brick” by Stephen J Moles “The Restoration of the Historic Walled Gardens at Croome” and remembering a wonderful afternoon spent last year on vacation. As I am back in the UK again, my message is more personal.  I hope you will enjoy it.

My brother and I had the most amazing afternoon exploring the historic Walled Gardens at Croome Court. The book was a gift from our friends Chris and Karen Cronin, who are good friends with my brother Robert Fripp. You know, they’re the ones who create those massive stages and sets for rock shows, which they’ve also adapted for use in movie sound stages. However, their real labor of love is their garden, and that’s where we went to visit.

Being a tourist and learning about history is a pastime I love, so visiting Croome was a real treat.


Swanage in World War II

Exploring the history of a town or city adds a rich layer of appreciation to our experience of a place.I love being a tourist and understand the value of delving into the past to enhance my understanding and connection with a destination. During my vacation in Swanage, Dorset, near my childhood home, my friend Derek Arden encouraged me to buy the book titled “Swanage in World War II” by C. Stewart W. Borrett.

This simple book ignited a spark of curiosity, prompting me to delve deeper into the history of the town and its people.