A sales manager’s shocking secret and four sales secrets to help you sell more…

I Did Not Expect to Hear This!

Fire up your sales with sales secrets.
Sell more when you learn how to use Fripp’s sales secrets.

Imagine my surprise when the national sales manager said this to 60 of his top associates, “At lunch, the sales team and I decided we have no idea how we managed to sell anything before we met Patricia.”

He told me, “It takes a year for us to have the opportunity to deliver an hour presentation to a small group of executives from the company of one of our prospects. At that point, a new relationship is worth between $5 and 10 million dollars to our company.”

I asked, “How long do you spend rehearsing a presentation that important?”

A Shameful Sales Secret


How Do You Come Up with Stories for Your Presentations?

Stories are key to effective presentations. How do you find them? Great lessons can be found in everyday life. How often have you heard a speaker who is funny or profound while seemingly talking about everyday situations? You might think “Nothing like that ever happens to me.” Of course, it does, or you would not relate to it. That speaker has drawn your attention to meaning where it’s often overlooked.

How to Present Virtually
Patricia Fripp teaches how to connect with your audience when you present and teach virtually.

Business and educational professionals know that whenever you present, whether you’re talking to one person or one hundred, you want to connect with your audience and get your message across. What’s the best way to do this when you deliver a virtual presentation?

These strategies will help you get your message across, maximize your impact, and catch and keep the attention of remote students and audiences when you present or teach virtually.


Effective Leaders Recognize Everyday Heroes

Communication is key to effective leadership. In fact, in challenging times it becomes even more important to communicate well. As a leader, how do you inspire others to action? One way is to recognize and share the stories of everyday heroes.


Great Leadership Presentations Honor Heroes

Communication is critical to effective leadership. In challenging times, this is even more true. When you prepare a presentation, remember the everyday heroes in your organization.

My brother Robert Fripp is 1 year, 1 month, 2 days, 12 ½ hours younger than I am. He often says, “I am not surprised my sister gets paid to tell people what to do. She was a very bossy little girl.”


Stories are the best way to inspire and motivate. I was coaching an executive with the Gap. He needed to inspire action and commitment. I first asked him to tell me about himself. He said,“I’m a newly promoted vice president and this is my first speech to the company since my promotion.”


How Can a Good Speech Coach Make You a Better Speaker?  Watch and see.

Patricia Fripp delivered this session as the third presentation at the District 1 Toastmasters Virtual Spring Conference 2020. Patricia was coaching brave coachee’s. The audience saw how editing, specificity, painting a picture, using shorter sentences, using time as a setup phrase, increasing drama made an incredible difference.

 Under the Magnifying Glass in Action: Patricia Fripp’s Virtual Coaching

Patricia Fripp delivered this session as the third presentation at the District 1 Toastmasters Virtual Spring Conference 2020. Patricia was coaching brave coachee’s. The audience saw how editing, specificity, painting a picture, using shorter sentences, using time as a setup phrase, increasing drama made an incredible difference.

Patricia’s online learning platform www.FrippVT.com is the best way to learn presentation skills easily, quickly, conveniently, and cost-effectively.


Good to Great Presentations Virtual Keynote Speech Patricia Fripp

Under the Magnifying Glass: Good to Great Presentations Virtual Keynote Speech

Delivered by Hall of Fame keynote speaker and presentation skills expert Patricia Fripp. This was delivered at District 1 Toastmasters Spring Conference 2020.

The keynote content covered in this presentation is on how to connect to your audience, options of how to open with impact, story improving techniques, and how specificity builds credibility.

Patricia’s online learning platform www.FrippVT.com is the best way to learn presentation skills easily, quickly, conveniently, and cost-effectively.