It never ceases to amaze me that intelligent, well-educated, ambitious professionals frequently overlook developing the number one skill that is guaranteed to position them ahead of the crowd.
That skill is the ability to stand up and speak eloquently in public or at least stagger to their feet and say anything at all.
What is it about public speaking that terrifies so many?

Most likely it is that we do not want to look, feel, or sound stupid in front of others.
Frequently I hear, “I am a terrible public speaker,” to which I reply, “No, you are an untrained speaker.” My second comment is always, “Stop telling yourself what you do not want. This is reinforcing what you are going to change.”
You improve what you focus on.
I tell my coaching clients, “You have invested your entire career training to be a competent CPA, engineer, financial advisor, or content expert. For decades I have focused on how to get your message across in a more clear, concise, and interesting way that gets more buy-in for your ideas. I assure you, becoming a great public speaker and presenter is not rocket science. However, it is more complex than most professionals realize.
If your lack of confidence stems from a lack of experience or know-how, you can change this. With the right help, you can quickly transform your presentation skills and gain the confidence you need.
Even experienced speakers get nervous.
What can we learn from my rock star brother?
My brother, Robert Fripp, is a world-renowned guitarist and a founding member of the band, King Crimson. There are many parallels between public speaking and musical performance.

Both can create an adrenaline rush, and you may feel charged with energy or be a bit nervous when you take the stage. This type of nervousness is healthy and demonstrates that you care about your presentation or performance.
My brother Robert’s perspective about musical performance is relevant to anyone dealing with stage fright. Even someone with years of experience and tremendous success can experience nervousness or nervous energy around a performance.
Robert points out that both imaginary and genuine concerns contribute to nervousness around a performance.
Genuine concerns can spring out of being unprepared or untrained. A musician might realize, “I have not practiced my instrument,” “I have not tuned my instrument,” or, “I have not checked my equipment.”
Similarly, a speaker will experience genuine concerns if they realize, “I haven’t figured out how I will end this presentation.” “I haven’t rehearsed my speech enough to feel comfortable with it.” Or “I am not really sure what I am doing!”
Increased competence leads to increased confidence.
Imagined concerns are often fed by adrenaline or nervous energy.
Whether we speak or play an instrument, we must allow our energy to drive our presentation or performance, rather than let it distract us or our audience from our message.
Patricia Fripp says, “If you focus on what could go wrong, it gets in the way of what can go right.”
Robert Fripp wisely says, “Expectation closes the door to what is happening in the moment.”
In-person, in the boardroom, and on stage all speaking is public speaking.
The No 1 best way to accomplish what you want is to become a confident presenter. I can help in two ways: With my interactive, online FrippVT Powerful, Persuasive Presentations, and my one-on-one coaching. Together, an unbeatable combination.
Whether you are a beginner or a professional speaker you can dramatically improve the quality of your presentations with Fripp Virtual Training. Get results on your own schedule.
FrippVT is a state-of-the-art, web-based training platform that emulates live training and coaching. It is almost as if Presentation Expert and Executive Speech Coach, Patricia Fripp were sitting in front of you. FrippVT is designed to be immediately engaging and makes it fun to learn. If you are a novice presenter or a seasoned professional, you will find the content both practical and relevant.
Sign up for your complimentary trial and discover how FrippVT can transform you and your team. Take advantage of your free trial.
“The information in FrippVT is as valuable as any college course I’ve taken. This is a resource that everyone needs. The investment is worth ten times more than I paid and has been life-changing. After 2 months I would have paid $3,000. My fees, recommendations, and referrals have increased dramatically. I am delighted. For the first time in my speaking career, I know exactly want I am doing when I walk on stage. One technique in course 8 helped me book a high-fee presentation.” Mitzi Perdue, Author of How to Make Your Family Business Last
Executive Speech Coach and Hall of Fame Keynote Speaker Patricia Fripp works with individuals and companies who realize that powerful, persuasive presentation skills give them a competitive edge.
While you might be familiar with my brother as a legendary guitarist, you might not know that he is a profound and powerful speaker. His spoken word performances are now available through RobertFrippVT
Hi Ms. Fripp- your campaign is working. When financial opportunity smiles on me, I will invest. You captivate me and want to meet your standards. Have a great weekend.
Dear Joseph,
We will continue to give you great content! Stay safe, Patricia