It never ceases to amaze me that intelligent, well-educated, and ambitious professionals frequently overlook developing the number one skill that is guaranteed to position them ahead of the crowd. Namely, the ability to stand and speak eloquently in public, or at least stagger to their feet and say anything at all.

What is it about public speaking that terrifies so many? Most likely it is because we do not want to look, feel, or sound stupid in front of others.

Frequently I hear, “I am a terrible public speaker.”

To which I reply, “No. You are an untrained speaker.” My second comment is always, “Stop telling yourself what you do not want. When you learn and apply my techniques and principles, you will become a well-trained speaker.”

You improve what you focus on. I tell my coaching clients, “You have invested your entire career training to be a competent CPA, engineer, nurse, dentist, financial advisor, or ambitious professional. For decades I have focused on how to get your message across in a more clear, concise, and interesting way that receives more buy-in for your ideas. I assure you, becoming a great public speaker and presenter is not rocket science. However, it is more complex than most professionals realize.”

The No 1 Best Way to accomplish what you want is to communicate more effectively.

You may find them surprisingly simple. However, they are little known and frequently overlooked.

This is the perfect event if you want to excel in your career, make more sales, get paid to speak, increase your public speaking skills quickly. We all speak in public. Those who master the skills get what they want.


The Secret to Your Success

No matter what you want to accomplish, good presentation skills get you there faster.

Patricia Fripp delivering a keynote speech.

As I hope you can tell, my mission is to help ambitious professionals like you perfect how they speak and present to help them get what they want.

These skills helped me increase my income and enrich my life experience.

In case you are wondering how I can help you, here are a few examples of the professionals  I work with.

Professional speakers work with me to take their presentations from good to great.

Marketing teams hire me to help their technical content experts speak at customer conferences to increase their visibility and credibility.

Sales managers hire me to help them drive more sales by perfecting their important conversations and presentations.

Executives like Eric, whom I wrote about in my last email, ask me to help them create presentations that inspire action and commitment from their associates.

And ambitious professionals want me to help them shorten their learning curve.

Becoming a great speaker gives you an advantage.

You can be confident that I can get you there faster. Let’s talk.

In my last email, you read how I suddenly realized that my clients and audience members wanted me to help them improve their public speaking skills.

Are you thinking, “Patricia, how can you help hundreds of speakers who have different messages and audiences?”

Each presentation may be unique, but proven principles and timeless techniques always work. After 30 plus years of focusing on mastering the ability to speak to audiences of all sizes and makeup and then simplifying and demystifying the process for creating and delivering a message that resonates with any audience, I have developed a superpower.

My superpower is listening to what others say and almost instantaneously helping them say it better.

How do I know my techniques and approach work? The amount of repeat business and referrals from engineers to executives, celebrity speakers to customer service reps, from rocket scientists to financial advisors assure me that they do.

You may be thinking, “What makes you different from other speech coaches?”

It is my years of multifaceted experience and options to help that fit all budgets. My approach is to teach you why and how to improve all your presentations.

Whatever your goals or career path, becoming a good public speaker will help you excel. This is important to you because, as you can tell by my story, regardless of how you begin your speaking journey, you can enjoy more success than you imagine possible when you are a good speaker.

I may be getting ahead of myself. Does this make sense to you? Let me know if you have any questions or comments.

In summary, good public speaking skills will help you get what you want!

In case you are wondering, “What should I do next,” you have two choices.

If you want to learn the best presentation techniques immediately in an easy, convenient, and cost-effective way, sign up for FrippVT Powerful, Persuasive Presentations Online Learning Platform.

OR we can have a conversation about what you specifically need help with and a personal demo or FrippVT.

If you want to know more, enjoy this video message:

Want to talk about how I can help you with FrippVT?

“For my most important speeches, I call Patricia Fripp. Nobody is better to help you improve your presentation skills.” Wanda Hope, Chief Diversity Officer, Johnson & Johnson Worldwide

“As a seasoned speaker being coached by Patricia Fripp has helped me deliver my game-changing message with more power and eloquence.  My client testimonials and feedback prove it. If you are interested in improving your presentation skills, call Fripp.” Ron Karr, CSP, Past President, National Speakers Association

“The information in FrippVT to improve my presentation skills is as valuable as any college course I’ve taken. This is a resource that everyone needs. The investment is worth ten times more than I paid and has been life-changing. After 2 months I would have paid $3,000. My fees, recommendations, and referrals have increased dramatically. I am delighted. For the first time in my speaking career, I know exactly want I am doing when I walk on stage. One technique in course 8 helped me book a high-fee presentation.” Mitzi Perdue, author of How to Make Your Family Business Last

“To watch how our veteran group of salespeople became involved in your Storytelling to Increase Sales was impressive. We are excited to continue your training with FrippVT Sales.” Jeff Walters, Vice President, North American Sales, Peak-Ryzex

“When we hired Patricia Fripp to improve our sales conversations and presentations, my expectations were high. Patricia Fripp’s customized approach before, during, and after with her FrippVT online learning has resulted in more and larger sales. Patricia’s ability to excite, inform and coach our team was impressive. “ Scott Hamilton, Vice President of Sales, Distech Controls

“For 24 consecutive years, we have hired Patricia Fripp to deliver keynote speeches, breakout sessions, a speaker school for our industry and conference speakers, and coaching of our leaders with their presentation skills. Patricia is the best speaker investment you could make. Our members receive RCH credits for FrippVT.” Dan Maddux, Executive Director, American Payroll Association



It never ceases to amaze me that intelligent, well-educated, ambitious professionals frequently overlook developing the number one skill that is guaranteed to position them ahead of the crowd.

That skill is the ability to stand up and speak eloquently in public or at least stagger to their feet and say anything at all.

What is it about public speaking that terrifies so many?

Patricia Fripp will teach you how to excel in your speaking career.

Most likely it is that we do not want to look, feel, or sound stupid in front of others.

Frequently I hear, “I am a terrible public speaker,” to which I reply, “No, you are an untrained speaker.”  My second comment is always, “Stop telling yourself what you do not want. This is reinforcing what you are going to change.”

You improve what you focus on.

I tell my coaching clients, “You have invested your entire career training to be a competent CPA, engineer, financial advisor, or content expert. For decades I have focused on how to get your message across in a more clear, concise, and interesting way that gets more buy-in for your ideas. I assure you, becoming a great public speaker and presenter is not rocket science. However, it is more complex than most professionals realize.

If your lack of confidence stems from a lack of experience or know-how, you can change this.  With the right help, you can quickly transform your presentation skills and gain the confidence you need.


Even the most hardened prospect can’t resist a good story when it is well told.

Keep in mind, the reason you tell stories is that your prospects will not remember everything you say. They will, however, remember what they see and feel while they listen to you speak.

Rely on three powerful story formulas to convey your message. They work together in harmony.

Client stories are a great way to sell. Begin with their situation.

Formula 1: Situation, Solution, Success

 Situation. The client’s situation is their problem, their pain, and its similarity to the prospect company you are talking to. Think for a moment of one of your satisfied clients. How did they articulate their problem to you?

  • “Help! My teams are not productive.”
  • “Help! Our current supplier of office equipment is costing us too much!”
  • “Help! We are not compliant.”
  • “Help! We assumed experienced technology professionals would be able to tell our story effectively!”

Does yours add to or distract from your message?

Is Your PowerPoint Terrifying?

When I ask my clients, “How long is your sales presentation,” it scares me when they answer, “12 slides.”

Or if I ask, “How do you design your sales presentation,” it’s downright terrifying to hear them say, “We get the slide deck.”

If you start creating your sales presentation by organizing your slides, you may be sabotaging what could fundamentally be a great presentation.

PowerPoint is a valuable visual aid but a poor scripting aid.

Designing a sales presentation is a creative process, best accomplished on a flip chart, whiteboard, or legal pad. Once you have the outline of your new, improved sales presentation structure, you can ask yourself, “Where do I need help telling the story?”

How can you visually demonstrate what you are saying? Charts and graphs and diagrams are perfect in this medium. If your slides are complex, take the elements apart and put them together in a way that simplifies them.


The Quality of Information You Receive

Depends on the Quality of Your Questions

As a seasoned sales professional, you are familiar with the importance of asking good questions in order to discover how a prospect can benefit from your product or service. The right questions give you good information that will move the conversation and process forward.

The Not-So-Basic Openers

The first priority is to learn as much as you can about pain points and about your prospect’s current environment.

  • What is your biggest challenge, and what do you think is the cause?
  • How long has it been going on?
  • Are you doing anything about it currently, or have you in the past?
  • If you could solve it, what would that be worth?

Staying on Track

While you don’t want to control the conversation too overtly, you need to focus on gaining an understanding of how they can benefit from a relationship with you. Use follow-up questions such as these for clarity:

  • Can you give me a little more detail about that?
  • Could you give me a specific example?
  • How often does this happen?

Learn These 8 Steps to Outstanding Sales Structure

The structure of your sales presentation is the skeleton under the flesh of your words. These eight simple, powerful steps to your sales presentation increase your chance to make the sale.

Delivering a Sales Presentation seminar for the Prosperity Series.

Even if you have made a compelling presentation, it often takes weeks or months before you get a response. Consequently, the goal is to burn vivid examples and key ideas into your prospect’s mind. You don’t want them to forget what makes you different from your competition. This is especially important if you are one of several individuals or teams competing for the same business.

The challenge is to design and deliver your presentation to be remembered and repeated.

Unfortunately, the average presentation structure reminds me of old-world selling.

“Hi, I am Fred Smith. Let me introduce you to my team: Tom, Dick, and Harriette. Thank you for your time.

We are from the ABC company.  This is what we do: This is how long we have been in business:

This is what we are known for: These are the clients we do business with: We would like to work with you.”

That is a dreary, who cares presentation at its worst.


If you are asked to deliver a speech about you and your success, most likely you are nervous about sounding “too big for your britches.”

The Secret: Give Credit to Those Who Guided You to Success

If you are a successful business professional, you will be asked at some point, within your company or your community, to speak about your success. Most people feel anxious about that. We’re programmed by our mothers not to “show off.”

Patricia Fripp delivering a keynote speech.

Structure your presentation based on one simple strategy, and make it easy on yourself.

Every speech is organized around a key issue. For the “about me” speech, it is this: No one becomes successful alone. Give credit to the influencers, the models, the mentors who have guided you through your career.

The story of your personal success gives credit to them and their guidance.

Look at your life story as if it were a play: Act I: When you were young;

Act II: When you were more mature and starting your career; and

Act III: When you actually achieved success.

Alex a successful executive, a multimillionaire, asked me to help him write the most important speech of his career. He was the president of a real estate franchise and was speaking at their annual conference. 700 realtors there knew he was a multimillionaire. They did not, however, know of his humble beginnings as an illegitimate child.


Save time and learn from my decades of experience

Advice from THE executive speech coach.

You do not have to be perfect, rather be personable.

Your audience needs to see the person behind your position.

Find ways to make an emotional connection.

Your audience is always thinking, “What is in your message for me?”

The shorter your report, presentation, update, or demo, the more power each word has.

Be specific. If you say “thing” what do you mean?

Movement often distracts from your message.

You will not improve what you are not aware of.

The written word is for the eye, the spoken word is for the rhythm.

Rehearsal is the work. Performance is the relaxation.

The best advice is to save time by learning from an expert who has already learned what you want to know.

Learn more secrets to make your speech great with FrippVT  Powerful, Persuasive Presentations online learning platform.

“As a seasoned speaker being coached by Patricia Fripp has helped me deliver my game-changing message with more power and eloquence.  My client testimonials and feedback prove it.” Ron Karr, CSP, Past President, National Speakers Association

“To watch how our veteran group of salespeople became involved in your Storytelling to Increase Sales was impressive. We are excited to continue your training with FrippVT Sales.” Jeff Walters, Vice President, North American Sales, Peak-Ryzex

“The information in FrippVT is as valuable as any college course I’ve taken. This is a resource that everyone needs. The investment is worth ten times more than I paid and has been life-changing. My fees, recommendations, and referrals have increased dramatically. I am delighted. For the first time in my speaking career, I know exactly want I am doing when I walk on stage. One technique in course 11 helped me win an international speech.” Mitzi Perdue, author of How to Make Your Family Business Last

“We consider the investment in Patricia’s coaching a ‘must-have’ part of our events. Since Patricia has been working with our expert technical presenters our customers rate their performances superb.” Greg Smith, Vice President, Product Marketing at Nutanix


Are You Looking for #1 Best Way to Write a Presentation?

The answer is to learn from an expert.

In the last forty years, I have delivered 3,500 live presentations and hundreds more virtually, thousands of business and professional speakers have benefited from my techniques.

Now you can. In 2021… Don’t wait… create!  A great signature talk is your best marketing tool. You can deliver virtual presentations for promotion or for fee. You can add to your website, YouTube, LinkedIn and blog.

To simplify what you may feel is a complex process, I am making it easy for you.

These brilliant people can’t be wrong.

“We consider the investment in Patricia’s coaching a ‘must-have’ part of our events.” Greg Smith, Vice President, Product Marketing at Nutanix

“For my most important speeches, I call Patricia Fripp.” 
Wanda Hope, Chief Diversity Officer, Johnson & Johnson Worldwide

“As a seasoned speaker being coached by Patricia Fripp has helped me deliver my game-changing message with more power and eloquence.  My client testimonials and feedback prove it.”
Ron Karr, CSP, Past President, National Speakers Association, Bestselling author.