How to Make a Good Presentation Great with Good Examples

Patricia Fripp’s “Under the Influence” Virtual Keynote Speech

Presented to the District 1 Toastmasters Virtual Spring Conference 2020

Patricia Fripp posed the question “Who influences you?” The title came from her friend Peter Legge’s latest book. Over her keynote career, she has spoken over 3,500 times on 5 continents and hundreds of virtual and online meetings and conferences.

Her content covered finding content from the treasure trove of your life experience. The audience enjoyed seeing a clip of what Patricia said on 60 Minutes.

Patricia’s online learning platform is the best way to learn presentation skills easily, quickly, conveniently, and cost-effectively.



As a presentation skills expert, people frequently ask, “Patricia, what happens when I have to cut my presentation?”

For professional speakers, it is not uncommon to be booked for an hour’s time and have your slot cut to 40 minutes to keep the client on schedule. Business meetings often run over and take a lot longer than scheduled. Let’s face it, if the boss speaks an extra 20 minutes, you will have to cut time from your presentation.

My best advice? Do not apologize. Do not say, “Oh, my time has been cut short by 20 minutes.


Great communication is essential to great leadership. In challenging times, this is even more true. As a leader your team members, partners, and customers want to hear from you. They need to hear the truth, both good news and bad.

They want to look into your eyes, even if it is through a computer screen, and see that you are authentic and empathetic. Although charts, graphs, and detailed PowerPoint slides have their place in presentations, this isn’t the time to entrust your message to visual aids. Instead, create an energetic intimacy through your delivery.


The key to connection is conversation. The secret of conversation is asking questions. The quality of the answers you receive depends upon the quality of your questions. That is critical in sales.

Learning how to ask relevant questions was an important part of my own educational experience. When I was a young woman, I was a hairstyling apprentice in the south of England, working in a very posh salon. As soon as I got to know our rich, glamorous customers, I used to say, “What were you doing when you were my age? How did you make your money? Did you make it yourself, or did you marry it? If you made it yourself, how did you do it? If you married it, where did you meet him?” Good market research.


“We Are Here to Talk About Heroes”

I was coaching a gentleman who needed to inspire action and commitment. Ed worked with The Gap, and I said, “Okay, Ed, tell me about yourself.” He said, “I am a newly promoted vice president of a certain division, and this is my first speech to the company since I’ve been promoted.” “Who is your audience?” He replied, “All of the Gap executives and 500 Gap managers.” I asked, “Well, what does a Gap manager look like?” He said, “24 to 28 years old.” I said, “Ed, remember, you are a 45-year old, prematurely silver-haired executive. How long are you going to speak?” He said, “Eight minutes.” I said, “No pressure, but you do realize that in that eight minutes all the executives and 500 Gap managers are going to think either, ‘Now I know why he got promoted,’ or, ‘In a company our size, couldn’t we have done better than that?’ That’s the power of a presentation. I asked, “What is your subject?” He said, “I have to talk about the program in which our employees give us ideas that will either make or save the company money.”


Dan Hersh interviews sales presentation skills expert Patricia Fripp for the Engaged Prospect podcast. Companies hire Patricia to help them increase sales by improving their important conversations and presentations. Dan is an expert on inside sales. In this interview, you will hear how to phrase your questions, comments, and presentations in a way to engage your prospects and make an emotional connection.

Companies hire Patricia Fripp when they want to gain a competitive edge by mastering their important conversations and presentations.


With hundreds of millions now working from home and communicating through Zoom, you have an advantage when you understand how to make Zoom work for you. Patricia Fripp and Director of Client Experience for FrippVT, Paul Griffin team up to share their best practices and technical expertise to help you get the most from Zoom:


Do you know how to be a leader who inspires action and commitment from your team? Laura Stack of Leadership USA and I recently met to talk about how leaders can inspire action and commitment. I share this recording and transcript of our webinar. Enjoy!


The First 30 Seconds

Innovative Openings Launch Memorable Meetings…

Patricia Fripp was coaching a CEO from a major corporation who had eight minutes to outline a money-saving program to his employees. Instead of leading off with money talk, she suggested he walk on stage and say, “We are here to talk about heroes,” then pause… and continue pausing… for a long… long… time. The effect was not lost on the audience.


What’s the secret to mesmerizing any audience of any size at any time? There’s a simple and profound answer. How often have you sat in an audience and been mesmerized by a speaker? Did they reach out and grab you in such a way that you thought, “Wow, the speaker’s talking just to me”? Was it the compelling content of a scintillating story?

I share this segment from FrippVT, my fast, easy, convenient way for you to become a powerful, persuasive presenter. It’s a highly-interactive, learn-at-your-own speed, online learning program. Enjoy!