More than any words you say in your presentation, your audience will remember what they “see” in their minds while they are listening. Learn the secrets of great storytelling. Everybody loves a good story.

The art of storytelling is essential to effective public speaking. No matter what our culture, we grow up feeling that hearing a story is somehow a reward. Stories are the best way to explain the complex, motivate, and train.


Practice Makes Perfect – Or Does it?

I’m a believer in learning through repetition and reinforcement. However, as we practice and rehearse our presentations we need to ask ourselves, “Am I practicing to improve or to reinforce bad habits?” The reality is that we are doing both.

You’re familiar with the expression, “Practice makes perfect.” No, not necessarily, but practice does make permanent.

Success stories are essential to powerful and persuasive sales presentations.
Success stories are at the heart of effective sales conversations.

Before we look at what we say to convince any prospect to do business with us, we need to remind ourselves of the amount of preparation that goes into getting the appointment. What is lost if we do not take the opportunity as seriously as we should?

Listen to a short segment from my online learning program FrippVT Powerful, Persuasive Presentations.

Powerful and persuasive sales conversations always include success stories that show how products or services have specifically worked for past customers or clients. Your prospective client might be trained to resist a sales pitch, but no one can resist a good story.

When it comes to using success stories in your sales conversations:

  • How do you sell to competing companies within the same industry?
  • What happens when you can’t mention a past client by name?
  • What’s the best way to share past success stories? Tell them, or use testimonials?

It is your obligation and responsibility not to let them forget you.

Patricia Fripp can help you drive more sales by perfecting your important sales conversations.

We all know it is easier to resell your satisfied customers than find new ones. However, you are failing your customers if they don’t know how you can serve them in different ways than they first engaged with you.

Never assume that customers, clients, and prospects know what you do and why they need you. A brilliant woman who receives my weekly video and emails asked, “Can you help me with a five-minute presentation?” This is a perfect example of something I always tell my clients, “Never assume that everyone on your mailing list, or everyone you’ve done business with you in the past, knows how you can be of service to them.” You also may be wondering, “How can Patricia help me?” Let us count the ways.

You can learn how to relax and deliver your presentation with confidence.
A great presentation is the most cost-effective way to generate interest in your services, products, expertise, or organization.

Is fear of death really second only to fear of public speaking? Maybe you can relate? A presentation is the most cost-effective way to generate interest in your services, products, expertise, or organization.

Consider, how many contacts, clients, buyers you might capture with a 20-minute talk? If the thought of a great outcome isn’t enough to calm butterflies in your stomach, I share these pre-presentation exercises to help you relax and channel any remaining nervousness into energy.


Good Acceptance Speech How to Example from APAHow do you write a good acceptance speech?

Start early, be yourself, honor those who’ve helped you, state your connection to the organization giving you the award, and rehearse…again…again and again.

Every year the American Payroll Association honors their Man and Woman of the Year. The next year at the annual conference call Congress they deliver a five-minute speech to almost 2,500 of their peers. I’ve had the honor of speaking at twenty-one APA’s Congress events and working with APA’s leaders and speakers. Dan Maddux, the APA’s very creative Executive Director, and his convention team always have amazing themes and sets. As you can tell the 2018 theme was James Bond and Pay for Another Day.

David Wakeling’s Payroll Man of The Year Speech 2018

How to use impact phrases to make your presentation memorable.
Well-timed impact phrases make your message memorable. Strategize your word order.

Great communicators are remembered and repeated. To make your message more memorable, pay close attention to how you order your words and phrases, even within a single sentence. Thoughtful choices in word order, give you the opportunity to highlight your most significant information and deliver this as “impact phrases.”

Audiences engage when we present information in a natural progression. It helps them “see” what we’re trying to convey.  Like a miniature story, a single well-crafted sentence draws your audience in; they connect both intellectually and emotionally and follow your narrative to its conclusion.