1. Take advantage of every opportunity.

I began my career as a hairstylist. Now that I am decades into my next career, I am often asked, “Patricia, how did you become a speaker, author, and executive speech coach?” The simple answer is by noticing and taking advantage of every chance that turned up, that seemed interesting and intriguing. Opportunity does not knock just once. It knocks all the time, though you may not recognize the sound. One opportunity is to learn from successful people by finding out how they achieved their success. Behind the hairstyling chair, I learned from my clients. As a speaker, I learned about the companies and industries I was hired to speak to. Now, as an executive speech coach, I learn how innovative executives build their companies and how marketing executives design and promote campaigns. And get paid! What a bonus. The secret is to be genuinely interested and ask questions.

  1. The key to connection is conversation. The secret of conversation is to ask questions.

    Ask good questions.

Successful people will share their knowledge and experiences with you if you ask good questions that stimulate their thinking and responses. The quality of the information you receive depends on the quality of your questions. The key to connecting with others is conversation, and the secret of conversation is to ask the right questions. A conversation can lead to a relationship, and a nurtured relationship can produce amazing results.


All I’ve ever wanted in business is an unfair advantage.

Patricia Fripp presentation expert
Presentation expert Patricia Fripp tells us how to succeed in business.

Before you raise your eyebrows, let me define the term. An unfair advantage is not lying, cheating, or stealing. It’s exactly the opposite. You get an unfair advantage by doing everything just a little bit better than your competition. Even if you’ve been in business for many years and you’re at the top of your profession, in a competitive world you also need to do everything just a little bit better today than you did yesterday. That’s your unfair advantage.

It’s not always easy. We often look at others and admire their skills, expertise, and accomplishments and devalue our own.

For many of us mere mortals, the dedication and discipline we commit to in order to become great in one discipline leads us to feel that we do not have time to master other skills. The principles in one discipline, however, are exactly the same as in others. What makes us great in one area can be transferred to others.


The Real Magic of Teamwork

Let’s get real about teamwork. It’s not just a buzzword; it’s like rocket fuel for any organization.

You know what I’m talking about—if you’ve ever been part of a great team, you’ve felt that electrifying energy. It’s more than just folks sharing office space or flashing the same company logo. It’s a crew of people, who are different in many ways, yet absolutely on the same page about accomplishing goals for their organization, each other, and their clients.

No More Silos, Folks

Here’s a game-changer: We need to stop thinking of our companies as isolated departments or divisions. We’re all part of a bigger mission, and sometimes that might even mean teaming up with competitors.

Are We Smarter Together? Absolutely.

My friend Bob Treadway, who’s a brilliant futurist and speaker, once told me about a fascinating experiment he conducted. He gave the Mensa IQ Test to seminar attendees and discovered something amazing. Average Joes and Janes, when they come together as a team, suddenly start performing at genius levels. How? Some are brainstormers, some go solo and then loop back, and the magic happens when everyone unites. This is one of the ways he helped his clients build legendary teams.

Build your business ready to sell, even if you do not.

Even if you do not want to sell your business, if you prepare it so that you could, your current business will improve.

I met Mike when he hired me to help him develop a speech to market his services. It worked! This article is from the content of his presentation. Enjoy.

My friend Michael Sipe brought home to me the tremendous difference between building a business vs. having a job working for yourself. Mike is a mergers and acquisitions specialist, arranging and negotiating the sale of (you guessed it) businesses. One of his clients was Bob.

Bob had been very successful for thirty years in corporate America.

All those years he had dreamed of having his own business. When he turned fifty, he took early retirement, cashed in his retirement accounts, and put all his money into starting his own business. His wife, Mary, kept the books and ran the office. Bob was very customer service oriented and a big and athletic can-do kind of guy with huge energy. Every day he was right in the middle of everything, working with clients, staff, and vendors, and having a grand time. He was profiled by a major business journal as an example of a successful entrepreneur.

Bob and Mary planned to work the business for ten years and then sell it for $1.5 million, retire to Seattle to play with their grandchildren, and live happily ever after. They were living the American dream with their own business. Everything was perfect.

Except for that one day when Bob woke up and noticed he wasn’t feeling well.


How to Make More Sales More Often – Even When Working at Home

Would it surprise you to know that many of my clients are driving more business while their associates are working from home? Yes, they are more successful than when everyone went into the office and went out to meet clients and prospects in person. They are taking action to upgrade their skills. I am a presentation skills expert Patricia Fripp. Companies hire me to help them drive sales by improving their important conversations and presentations.

How to Succeed in Business and Sales in the Virtual World

You will learn how to:

Improve your sales script and conversations
Connect to your prospect and customers
Tell sales success stories in a memorable way
Get comfortable in a virtual meeting.

“How to Succeed in Business and Sales in the Virtual World.”

Take advantage of my Special Report on The 11 Mistakes Sales Professionals Make in Their Presentations.

Drive More Sales – Here is how.

If you work in a small, medium, or large company or just work selling your personal services, you can benefit from my years of experience. Get my best sales advice with a subscription to FrippVT Sales. This is my interactive online training. 24/7 you get access to have to improve your sales presentations.

“Back in 2018, we invited you to help us with an important sales presentation, which we won. You will be as excited to know, that it continues to reap dividends! Last year, we were awarded $1.6 million in business with them. We just received a $2.8 million order from them already this year and it is still January. Your advice and coaching are awesome. What an ROI!” Michael E. Stryczek, President & CEO, AB&R® (American Barcode and RFID)

Take a trial on the best online learning on sales presentations

“Patricia, you saved the day! I was summoned on rather short notice to speak as a keynote speaker for our corporate annual sales conference. My task was to relate technical details to a non-technical audience. Lucky for me, a week in advance I found FrippVT your online learning program. I worked tirelessly devouring the FrippVT content most evenings until 2 a.m. to perform at the highest level possible. Can you imagine my excitement to walk off stage and hear, ‘You stole the show,’ ‘Are you a professional speaker?’ and ‘The audience was hanging onto your every word.’ I cannot thank you enough for creating FrippVT Powerful, Persuasive Presentations. Having your wisdom, advice, and guidance 24/7 throughout my preparation for this speaking engagement. Consider me your biggest fan.”

Scott Lelii, Head of Digital & IT, Volvo Construction Equipment Sales Regions North & Latin America


Let the competition make mistakes. Here are ways to leave a great lasting impression.

From an interview with Sales and Marketing Management.

Patricia Fripp chooses her hats carefully and her words even more carefully.

The sales presentation and executive speech coach says a stylish hat has proven to be a reliable conversation starter—and starting a conversation is the only way to eventually make a sale.

“People will walk across a room to tell you how much they like your hat. Finding a way to make it easy for people to talk with you is essential,” she said.

At tradeshows and networking or industry events, wearing a distinctive hat is a great conversation starter. Ms. Fripp emphasizes that salespeople must have a clear understanding of how conversations with prospective customers should flow to be successful. The strongest sales professionals know how to stand out and be memorable. The first step to accomplishing that is to talk about what matters to each prospect.

“When somebody says, ‘Tell us about your company,’ what they’re really saying is, ‘Tell me how my company would be better off by doing business with your company,’” Fripp noted.


Can you imagine how exciting it was, back in 2009, to sit in an aisle seat reading an airline magazine and see others read the same article? Especially as I was heavily featured in what they were reading. After reading it, I thanked Leonard Navarro for opening his article with my comments. His reply was, “You told the best story.”


Patricia Fripp was coaching a CEO from a major corporation. He had eight minutes to outline a money-saving program to their employees. Instead of leading off with money talk, she suggested he walk on stage and say, “We are here to talk about heroes,”

and then pause . . .

and continue pausing . . .

for a long,



The effect was not lost on the audience. Slowly, the titters began, followed by an outburst of laughter. But the tactic sent the message. Where are the heroes? Continuing, the speaker pointed out, “They may be sitting behind you, they may be sitting in front of you, or they may be you.”

Every single person in the audience sat forward. “They knew he was talking directly to them,” recalls Fripp. She is a San Francisco-based, in-demand executive speech coach and sales presentation skills expert. “The audience was enthralled. What he proved was that this was not going to be another dull company speech.”

I agree with Patricia when she says, “Today’s audiences are stimulation junkies with short attention spans. If they are not engaged, they are likely to be on social media.”

That first 30 seconds has ripple effects; what happens during that time can make or break a meeting. Because the stakes of meetings can be so perilously high, more and more companies are calling on the professionals like Patricia Fripp to help make a presentation riveting. She told me, “The purpose of the opening is to arouse interest in your subject. If you don’t engage them in the first few minutes, you are unlikely to ever gain their total attention. I help my clients create opening remarks that arouse interest in their first 30 seconds.”

This reminds me of a story. The opening is still the most important part of any presentation. Fripp said, “It can be a dramatic statement, such as, “This emerging technology is going to affect your business, it might even put you out of business.” She recommended that one of her speech coaching clients use that at a recent gathering. The message: If you don’t change, you’ll end up fighting a war you can’t win. She recommended that he then soften the blow by telling his audience not to worry too much and presenting them with new strategies.

Stories are also an effective way to grab and hold an audience. “When you think of any compelling speaker,” says Rick Barrera, a business strategist, and popular speaker, “you think of someone who can really tell a story to engage an audience and relate that to solid content. Stories make the content interesting.”

Humor is fine as long as it’s appropriate and relates to the subject or the audience. “You can tell a long joke if the story has a big payoff,” says Barrera.

Another effective opener is a great personal story. Fripp coaches her clients to use personal stories that have well-developed characters, use sparkling dialogue, and the lesson is obvious. In framing their anecdotes, she suggests they tell a story in which the audience can “see the person behind the position” and then relate it to their specific message. For example, to convey the message of the importance of corporate citizenship, she asked one of her CEO clients who had to address 1,500 sales professionals, “How do you describe corporate citizenship to your children?” His story modeled her example well. “He said, “It was the day after Christmas, I sat my two children down and said, ‘You are very lucky children. You have generous parents and even more generous grandparents. Perhaps you would like to give me one of your gift certificates and we can cash in the money and send the children who no longer have homes.’” He told me, “I was so proud of my 14-year-old son. He said, ‘How much do I give? I could give you all of my savings, all of my pocket money, and all my Christmas gifts. It would not be enough to make a difference.’ I told him, “You never give it all. You just give enough that it hurts a little.”

More than words. Grabbing an audience is only the first step. “What’s harder is keeping their attention,” says Jim Hall, Director of Marketing for audiovisual products at Epson America in Long Beach, California. “We are the television generation. We expect to be entertained, and the more professional the presenter, the higher that expectation.” For Hall, the golden rule is to make sure he knows the audience and finds a subject they care about. He uses a variety of techniques when he promotes Epson products to large groups. He maintains eye contact with the audience and makes large, theatrical gestures to make a point. “It’s extra important,” he says, “to change inflection. If you don’t vary the tone of your voice, even if they are interested in what you’re saying, they’ll go to sleep.”

Keep it fresh. “Meetings should have good stories and good visual aids, but you can’t think that’s enough,” says Mel Silberman, professor of Adult and Organizational Development at Temple University and author of 101 Ways to Make Meetings Active. After a presentation, he has participants turn to each other to discuss its meaning.

Adapted from an article by Leonard Navarro for Alaska Airlines

As a bonus: Download Patricia Fripp’s special report 8 Common Pitfalls to Avoid When You Speak


Imagine your results, if you could benefit from Patricia’s advice 24/7? Take a trial of FrippVT Powerful, Persuasive Presentations.Fripp Virtual Training

“Patricia, you saved the day! I was summoned on rather short notice to speak as a keynote speaker for our corporate annual sales conference. My task was to relate technical details to a non-technical audience. Lucky for me, a week in advance I found FrippVT. I worked tirelessly devouring the FrippVT content most evenings until 2 a.m. to perform at the highest level possible.

Can you imagine my excitement to walk off stage and hear, ‘You stole the show,’ ‘Are you a professional speaker?’ and ‘The audience was hanging onto your every word.’  I cannot thank you enough for creating FrippVT. Having your wisdom, advice, and guidance 24/7 throughout my preparation for this speaking engagement. Consider me your biggest fan.” Scott Lelii, Head of Digital & IT, Volvo Construction Equipment Sales Regions North & Latin America

Take a Trial of FrippVT today!

Executive Speech Coach and Hall of Fame Keynote Speaker Patricia Fripp works with individuals and companies who realize that powerful, persuasive presentation skills give them a competitive edge.


Professionals must often deliver formal, prepared presentations.

They must also give frequent, unplanned presentations.

Imagine this scenario: You are in a virtual or in-person meeting when the executive leading the meeting notices you in the audience. She says, “I didn’t know you were going to be here. We are 10 minutes ahead of schedule. Why don’t you give us a 10-minute update on your latest project?”

As you make your way to the front of the room, you have only five rows to gather your thoughts before you take the stage to deliver ten minutes of interesting information. In a virtual meeting, even less time! In a virtual meeting, you have only a few seconds to gather your thoughts.

This is an important opportunity. You want to do well. The entire leadership team is there as well as your colleagues in the division. The audience knows you had no time to prepare. If you do well, your reputation increases because you have just proven you can think on your feet. When you prove you can keep your cool and deliver a clear, concise, and on-message update, your credibility soars.

The 12 Days of FRIPP

Then remember, you can build your credibility with well-chosen words. Your management and leadership will notice.

FrippVT is Easy. Convenient. Cost-Effective.

One of the ways I help my clients get what they want in their lives and careers is by making them aware of how they can clean up their sloppy and nonspecific language.

When your competition is tough and decisions are being made for promotions, salary increases, and great assignments, this is critical.


Emotional Connection

FRIPPMAS Special FrippVT $12 for the first month.

To win over your audience, you must connect emotionally.

With well-chosen words, you can open your presentation and establish an immediate emotional bond.

s a presentation skills coach, when I work with a group, I’ll invite individuals to come to the front and deliver their opening lines. On one occasion, up walked Stephen. He began to tell the facts of his experience of living with deafness since birth. After he spoke, the audience was sympathetic; however, he had not made a connection. He was also missing an opportunity.

I took him aside and suggested he try a different approach. Stephen spoke again saying, “Imagine how my parents felt as the doctor walked into the waiting room and said, ‘I am so sorry to tell you this, but your beautiful boy is deaf.’” He painted a vivid picture of this pivotal moment in his parents’ lives. Whether or not audience members were parents themselves, they were able to emotionally connect with the situation. You could feel a change in the room.

You have many theatrical choices in how you open your presentation.