With the Right Sales Presentations, You Can!

Developing good public speaking skills helps you make more sales more often.
To sell you need technical skills, product knowledge, know the details of you compared to your competition, territory management, a good relationship management system, discipline, and self-management.
However, that is not enough. Too often the best presentation wins.
Earlier in my career when I was primarily a keynote speaker, a large food service company invited me to keynote their yearly sales conference. After my speech, Jennifer, the National Sales Manager, pulled me aside and said, “I liked your speech. However, I really loved how you delivered it. Can you teach our salespeople to speak that way? We sell quality food and uniforms to hospitals and healthcare systems.
“It takes us a year of work and relationship management to be in a position to deliver an hour presentation to a hospital board. It is worth $9 million dollars a year if we win the business. We are losing sales, and it has nothing to do with our offering or price. When I follow up, I keep hearing it has to do with the fact that the presentation skills of our competitors are better than ours.”
As I put together the program for them, little did I know she had just given me the secret to always be in demand, no matter how good or bad the economy is.
Lucky for them and me, Jennifer realized there are some great presenters who can teach others to improve.
Why is it that so many companies assume their seasoned content experts and sales teams can naturally deliver any message well. Many well-educated professionals have never received any training or coaching, and they don’t take the initiative themselves usually because they had a bad experience in school at age eight!
“Back in 2018, we invited you to help us with an important sales presentation, which we won. You will be as excited to know, that it continues to reap dividends! Last year, we were awarded $1.6 million in business with them. We just received a $2.8 million order from them already this year and it is still January. Your advice and coaching are awesome. What an ROI!” Michael E. Stryczek, President & CEO, AB&R® (American Barcode and RFID)
Shelly Seeger read my special report on 11 Mistakes Sales Professionals Make in Their Presentations and called.
She said, “Help! I work with a large software company, and we only hire seasoned sales professionals. They must have at least ten years selling technology. Naturally, we assumed they could successfully tell our company story…until we had a meeting and all the sales professionals had to deliver in front of our leadership team. They were horrified!
I have been charged to search the world for the best sales presentation skills trainer. Lucky for us, you are only thirty-eight miles from headquarters!”
In sales when everything else is close or equal, The No 1 Best Way to drive more sales more often is to improve your presentation skills.
“Thank you for the impact and training you delivered at your second National Sales Conference. We have a veteran group of salespeople, and many times these groups are hard to impress. At your first Sales Conference, your sales presentations skills sessions really delivered. Everyone loved it and demanded we invite you back for more! I did not know how you could top your first performance, and you certainly did! When you interviewed three of our top sales professionals and rewrote and tightened their stories, everyone gasped! They are all excited that they can continue to learn from you 24/7 with FrippVT.” Jeff Walters, Vice President, North American Sales, Peak-Ryzex
“Thank you for your fantastic presentation for the Professional Speechwriters Association. You brought that combination so rare among conference speakers; style and substance in spades.” Sheri Saginor, President, Smart Speeches
Need help for you or your team on improving important conversations and presentations? The Fripp Customized Approach will work for you. Contact Fripp today!