Where Confidence Comes From – Will’s Story

Boost Your Confidence and Credibility 

Developing good public speaking skills will boost your confidence in front of your senior management.

Will is a Staff Performance Engineer with a large technology company in Silicon Valley. Like many brilliant technical experts, they invest years developing their skills and suddenly find themselves pushed more into the spotlight.

Will said, “I attended your presentation skills Masterclass four months ago. It was eye-opening. I just wanted to let you know how insanely helpful that class has been for me. I’ve been a very anxious public speaker for as long as I can remember. After your class, my anxiety magically melted away. Recently, I delivered an hour-long talk to my twenty-five-person team. The audience included management, a Director, and our Technical Director.

Thanks to your presentation skills Masterclass, I felt at ease the entire time.

The techniques you taught kept coming back to mind. My talk on a technical subject was not dry or boring.

There is no way to tell you how wonderful it was to receive so many kudos, including from the Technical Director, who wrote, “Congratulations. Great stories and analysis. You really must speak more often.” Thank you very much for the class. It was an amazing experience!

If you are an ambitious professional like Will, even if you have never attended a public speaking course, the number one Best Way to get ahead in your career is to communicate in a way that impresses your senior management.

“Patricia Fripp has been coaching me for over 15 years, ever since I delivered seminars to raise capital. Her coaching is responsible for raising millions of dollars. Every team member must attend her training before they can talk to our broker-dealers. She is one of our secret weapons and trusted advisors.” Mike Shustek, Chief Executive Officer, MVP

“For 20 years, I have hired Patricia Fripp to train and coach sales teams with amazing success. FrippVT, in combination with in-person training and coaching, is an unbeatable combination.”  Greg Stivers, Senior Vice President, Client Development, Concur

Need help for you or your team on improving important conversations and presentations? The Fripp Customized Approach will work for you. Contact Fripp today!