Are you ready to learn how to calm your nerves before your next big presentation? Want to know a secret? Even the most seasoned speakers feel slightly nervous before a high-stakes presentation. It’s completely normal—just a human reaction, not a professional flaw. So, how do you transform that nervous energy into a presentation that captivates […]


When I talk to my executive speech coaching clients, I always say, “Your life experience is a reservoir of unique experiences and insights.” I love to ask questions that pique my curiosity to help them uncover a treasure trove of content they can weave into their speeches. This approach makes them effective, memorable and authentic. […]


Want to Drive More Sales? Nobody Can Resist a Good Story Well Told Please do not overlook one of the most powerful tools in sales—storytelling. If you’re in sales, you might have noticed that it often feels like our prospects are trained to resist our presentations. I promise you that a well-told story can break […]


The famous 7-38-55 Rule from Albert Mehrabian’s research is often misquoted, especially when people try to apply it to public speaking or keynote addresses. Let’s set the record straight. What the 7-38-55 Rule Really Means Mehrabian’s research, from which the 7-38-55 Rule is derived, was actually about a particular kind of communication: situations where a […]


As a presentation skills expert, I often tell my clients that the best content for their talks comes from unexpected places. Often in fascinating conversations with intriguing people. Engaging in exciting dialogues with diverse individuals is not just a delightful experience; it’s a goldmine for your presentations and personal growth. Conversations are an endless source […]


Have you noticed some wisdom that has been around for years suddenly becomes relevant, and with a dedicated person behind it, it is brought back to life to influence a new generation? As a seasoned sales presentation expert, I’ve enjoyed dissecting numerous sales books during my career. However, few have left as lasting an impression […]


Have you often noticed how the most profound lessons usually come from the most straightforward everyday experiences? You might hear a funny or profound speaker seemingly talking about mundane situations, and you think, “Nothing like that ever happens to me.” Of course, it does, or you wouldn’t relate to it. That speaker has attributes meaning […]


Are you guilty of using lazy language? In my speech coaching sessions, one of the most frequent questions I ask is, “If it were not a thing, what would it be?” For example, one brilliant engineer preparing for his company’s User meeting said, “There are two things people love about…” You guessed it; I asked, […]