As a Presentation Skills Expert, I’m often asked, “Patricia, how do I report to my senior management without being nervous?” The secret is to be prepared, clear, concise, and to act confident. Now, how do you appear confident when you’re nervous?
First, prepare. Script out exactly what you are going to say, at least the opening of your presentation or conversation. It could be as simple as, “Thank you for the opportunity to update you on our project”, or “The purpose of our meeting is to . . . ” or “As you will remember, at our last meeting, you challenged us to . . .”
If your manager or senior management team gives you 10 minutes, it’s best to prepare a seven-minute presentation. However, you will undoubtedly get credit if you can deliver a focused report in less time than expected.
Get to the point fast. Use shorter sentences or phrases. Make sure you use very specific language. In other words, don’t say “thing.” Instead, use a precise, appropriate word. Do not talk about “tons.” Sloppy language diminishes your power.
Remember, your report must focus on the deals and handle the details. In other words, your senior management wants to know what the bottom line is. Answer that, and I promise that your report to senior management will be less stressful.
Rehearse what you are going to say with one of your colleagues.
Even if you are nervous, or possibly even terrified, don’t worry. The work you’ve done in advance will give you confidence. Also, if you present without distractions or fidgeting and remember to breathe, you will look more confident. Once your presentation gets off to a good start, you will feel confident.
Let me help you become a great presenter quickly, easily, and cost-effectively on your own schedule. I’m here for you 24/7 through Fripp Virtual Training.
“Thank you again for your speech coaching to prepare me and my team for our Global Sales meeting. You have an amazing talent in helping me pull my corporate message into a meaningful, impactful, and entertaining story. You are always the one to call when my back is against the wall. Your magic always works and hits the mark with every audience!”
– Brian Marlier, Senior Vice President, US Enterprise, Cisco
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Report with Confidence & Communicate for Success
Executive Speech Coach and Hall of Fame Keynote Speaker Patricia Fripp works with those who realize that powerful, persuasive presentation skills give them a competitive edge.