Growing up, my very glamorous mother Edith gave me excellent advice: “Of course, the inner you is important. However, you have to dress up and look good to attract others. They will then discover how nice and smart you are and how valuable you can be to them.” This advice has never steered me wrong.
Edith Head is a true icon in the world of costume design. During her illustrious career, she won eight Oscars, the record for the most by a woman. Thus, she is a legendary figure in Hollywood fashion history!

Edith knew about dressing with intention when designing for Hollywood’s biggest films. She famously said, “You can have anything you want in life if you dress for it!” Her insights go beyond the glitz of the silver screen—think of it as costuming for the movie of your life.
Before you even get a chance to dazzle someone with your charm and smarts, your clothes are already broadcasting who you are. What you wear influences how others see you and how you see yourself. It’s like a sneak preview of your character. Why leave that first impression to fate?
Take Hollywood auditions as an example. Actors don’t just show up; they dress the part they want to nail. They won’t arrive in the latest runway fashion if they’re going for a farmworker role. When Estelle Getty first tried out for The Golden Girls, they thought she was too young. She didn’t give up—she came back dressed precisely as her character would, winning them over instantly. It’s about making it easy for people to see you in the role you’re after.
Once actors land the part, they work meticulously to embody their character visually because they understand that their outfits send strong messages, intended or not. This is crucial in everyday life, too. Your attire can set you apart, make you blend in, or even boost your confidence.
Your clothes can also transform your mood and the way you carry yourself. Stiff, formal attire might limit you to conservative gestures suitable for the boardroom, while something softer and more relaxed allows for more unrestrained movement, perfect for more casual, creative environments.
In my line of work, standing out is part of my strategy. I might skip hats on stage and when I coach Silicon Valley engineers; however, they’re my secret weapon at networking events. They catch eyes and spark conversations. Working a trade show booth, people who usually walk by make a beeline to the booth for conversation.
I’ve worn a custom-made Wonder Woman outfit for speeches on at least a dozen occasions. It’s a fun way for my audience to consider my premise: Are Wonder Woman and Superman comic book heroes or a state of mind? My goal is to make the case that the answer is both.
That’s why I suggest everyone needs their version of a superhero outfit. Wear it when you feel ready to conquer the world, whether closing a sale, delivering a presentation, or getting a promotion.
My advice is not to dress for the job, salary, and respect you now have. Instead, for what you want to enjoy in the future. Your wardrobe is more than just fabric and thread—it’s your trailer to the world, previewing who you are and what you can be. Make it count!
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