When we reminisce about Hollywood, it’s often the stories that movies tell that captivate us the most. Screenwriting teacher Robert McKee eloquently states, “Stories are the creative conversion of life itself into a more powerful, clearer, more meaningful experience. They are the currency of human contact.” Storytelling: The Cornerstone of Effective Leadership Many of us […]


Tell me what you say you want. Show me one week of your life and I will tell you if you will get it.  Every day is a good time to challenge everything you do, expand your thinking, refocus your efforts, and dedicate yourself to your future. If you haven’t done this already this year, […]


As a speech coach, I introduce my clients to the importance of using parallel structure in speaking and writing. Parallel structure, also known as parallelism, is the repetition of a grammatical structure within a sentence or multiple sentences. This technique can make your speech or writing more memorable and easier to understand. When you write […]


Do Your Irritate Your Audience? Whenever you open your mouth whether your audience is one person or one thousand, you want to get a specific message across. Maybe you want your opinions heard at a meeting or you will be giving a formal talk. Perhaps you deliver sales presentations. To present, persuade, and propel with […]


Take advantage of every opportunity. I began my career as a hairstylist. Now that I am decades into my next career, I am often asked, “Patricia, how did you become a speaker, author, and executive speech coach?” The simple answer is by noticing and taking advantage of every chance that turned up, that seemed interesting […]


Even if you do not want to sell your business, if you prepare it so that you could, your current business will improve. I met Mike when he hired me to help him develop a speech to market his services. It worked! This article is from the content of his presentation. Enjoy. My friend Michael […]


Frippicism: The key to career success is to learn to sell yourself and your ideas to your senior management. It’s no secret. The higher up the corporate ladder you go, the more important your public speaking skills become.  If you have your sights set on increased responsibility with the position and the salary that goes […]


If you do not enjoy the position, salary, or respect your feel you deserve, I recommend you dress and speak for the role you aspire to, not the one you now have. When I was growing up, my mother gave me great advice. She said, “Patricia, of course, it is the inner you that is […]