Perhaps you can relate to this situation: “Hi, Fripp! Next week I’m invited to deliver a speech to a 500-person audience, and it’s been six months since I’ve spoken in public. What are your suggestions to help me be less nervous?”
No matter how seasoned you are, it’s still natural to feel some apprehension at times. I share some strategies for overcoming nervousness below. To get over feeling nervous, start by building from your strength. Enjoy this replay from my recent webinar to help you structure your speech then enjoy my article explaining how to build your confidence and prepare for your presentation:
One of my coaching clients was a very successful chiropractor who was asked to speak about her expertise and advise others in the same field on how they might benefit from her experience.
To build your confidence, remember that you know what you are talking about; it’s acceptable to prepare and use notes. If you do, be sure they are just bullet points, large type on yellow card stock. Easier to read than on white and large enough to glance down and know where you are.
You do not have to be perfect.
You do need to be personable. Take your personality with you. Imagine what you would say if you were having coffee with three younger colleagues who asked your advice. Your presentation is best when it sounds conversational.
I recommended that my client fill her conference room with her staff and practice! When she was at the venue, she should go to the ballroom before the audience arrived and get comfortable with the stage. Then, at least rehearse the opening, framework, talking points, and the close. I advised her to move around the stage to make sure she was as comfortable as she might be in her own living room.
I reminded her that she would look great as a well-dressed professional with great taste. Your clothes can give you confidence.
The audience does not see how you feel.
They only see what you project. Remember how you felt when you were a great success. Channel that energy. I told her, “Don’t focus on being nervous. Instead, focus on how much you enjoy the business, how you want to be of service, and stay focused on your audience.
You will always be less nervous if you’ve started with the right approach to preparing your presentation. Enjoy this sample from Fripp Virtual Training:
If you want to become a great speaker easily, conveniently, and quickly, Fripp Virtual Training can help. Enjoy three free chapters on Stories, Openings, and Sales:
“I wanted a super bowl-quality coach, and I was lucky to be introduced to Patricia Fripp. Her help in coaching and scripting was world class. With Patricia Fripp on your team, you can go places.”
– Don Yaeger, Long-Time Associate Editor for Sports Illustrated magazine, Award-Winning Keynote Speaker, New York Times Best-Selling Author
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Executive Speech Coach and Hall of Fame Keynote Speaker Patricia Fripp works with those who realize that powerful, persuasive presentation skills give them a competitive edge.
One method I find very helpful in dealing with those who are nervous speakers is to have them create a Fear Checklist of everything that they can think of that can go wrong. Once they have the list, they can prepare to avoid each problem.
Thanks Joel, that makes lots of sense. When clients and friends have asked me how to handle a situation, such as taking over the position of being President of their professional associations, I suggest they focus of what they are most scared of. Handle it. Then everything else will seem easy. For example, when I was President of the National Speakers Association. I was most nervous about running Board meetings. For ten months I studied Parliamentary Procedure. I knew more than everyone else in the room. That translated to added confidence in my roll as President.