It is your obligation and responsibility not to let them forget you. We all know reselling your satisfied customers is easier than finding new ones. However, you are failing your customers if they don’t see how you can serve them differently than they first engaged with you. Never assume that customers, clients, and prospects know […]
Read More...How to Relax for Your Presentation
Is fear of death really second only to fear of public speaking? Maybe you can relate? A presentation is the most cost-effective way to generate interest in your services, products, expertise, or organization. Consider, how many contacts, clients, buyers you might capture with a 20-minute talk? If the thought of a great outcome isn’t enough […]
Read More...The One Secret of How to Create a Powerful Presentation
There is no one secret to a powerful presentation, but if there were, it would be this – your subject must be interesting to your audience. If your audience doesn’t know whether they’re interested in your subject, how do you get them to connect with it?
Read More...How to Shorten Your Presentation without Losing Impact
Imagine, you’ve done all the work to prepare and rehearse a major presentation and at the last minute you’re told, “I’m so sorry, but we’re short on time. Can you give us the five-minute version?” Is it possible to shorten a presentation without losing all of your impact? Yes. Don’t panic. After all, a sound […]
Read More...For Engineers – How to Speak Effectively at Customer Conferences
When you’re an engineer presenting at a user meeting or customer conference, you are the expert on the topic you plan to deliver to your customers. Remember, your audience does not want to know everything you know; they just need to know about the subject of your presentation. You can connect with your audience, regardless […]
Read More...Why Is Eye Contact Important? How Long? When?
Your presentation can be powerful and persuasive when you connect with your audience both intellectually and emotionally. Eye contact is essential to creating an emotional connection with an audience of any size. This is true whether you’re speaking one-on-one or delivering a formal presentation from the stage. Eye contact gives you an edge in business. […]
Read More...How to Make Your Presentation Pithy and Powerful
Subtle changes will make a tremendous difference Both in your public speaking and writing. Here are a few of my inside secrets on editing to ensure that your presentation is a success. A “pithy” presentation is “to the point” and “forcefully expressive.” That’s powerful. The word “edit” is commonly misused as a synonym for “delete.” […]
Read More...How to Make Your PowerPoint More Powerful
Designing a presentation starts with the creative process, which can be messy. PowerPoint is tidy, but should only come in later when preparing a presentation. I love PowerPoint. Maybe you do too? Remember, however, that PowerPoint is a visual aid.
Read More...What Do You Really Mean? Specificity Is The Key to Credibility
What Do You Really Mean? Every day in my role as an executive speech coach and the creator of FrippVT, I always say, “Specificity builds credibility.” I listen to intelligent engineers, experienced leaders, and true experts in every field and find that too many are sloppy speakers. If you want to build your credibility, listen […]
Read More...What Is The Biggest Mistake Sales Professionals Make?
“Patricia, what is the biggest mistake sales professionals make?” I was recently asked this in an interview. My answer? Not rehearsing. I expected to hear, “We lock the presentation team in the board room for a week. We go over our parts, video, and review. Then we bring in at least five different audiences of […]