Subtle changes will make a tremendous difference Both in your public speaking and writing. Here are a few of my inside secrets on editing to ensure that your presentation is a success. A “pithy” presentation is “to the point” and “forcefully expressive.”  That’s powerful.  The word “edit” is commonly misused as a synonym for “delete.” […]


Designing a presentation starts with the creative process, which can be messy. PowerPoint is tidy, but should only come in later when preparing a presentation. I love PowerPoint. Maybe you do too? Remember, however, that PowerPoint is a visual aid.


What Do You Really Mean? Every day in my role as an executive speech coach and the creator of FrippVT, I always say, “Specificity builds credibility.” I listen to intelligent engineers, experienced leaders, and true experts in every field and find that too many are sloppy speakers. If you want to build your credibility, listen […]


Imagine my surprise when the national sales manager said to 60 of his top associates, “At lunch the sales team and I agreed, we have no idea how we managed to sell anything before we met Patricia!” He told me, “It takes a year for us to get the opportunity to deliver an hour presentation […]


“Patricia, what is the biggest mistake sales professionals make?” I was recently asked this in an interview. My answer? Not rehearsing. I expected to hear, “We lock the presentation team in the board room for a week. We go over our parts, video, and review. Then we bring in at least five different audiences of […]


Selling to large enterprises can be complex, but your sales presentation does not have to be. You are often speaking to the audience of your audience. In other words, your presentation will be repeated and discussed for months with individuals you may not have met. When your message is clear, concise, and focused on the […]


I am often asked, “How can I be confident that I’m connecting with my audience?” The answer is, “Make an emotional connection.” Whether you speak at a boardroom table or in a vast auditorium, your goal must be to connect emotionally with your audience. Emotional connection is key to ensuring your message is heard. Here […]


Do your slides support your message? Or do they distract your audience? Presenters cannot overlook the quality and design of their slides. Find out how my friend and fellow presentation skills expert, Darren LaCroix improved his presentations by improving his slides: Defend It Or Die! by Darren LaCroix, CSP When you see a courtroom drama […]


When you have to give a speech or presentation, how do you decide what to wear? Maybe you haven’t considered how your appearance can influence your audience’s response to you? In this short video, I share a few tips, for both men and women, on how to dress in a manner that will support your […]