If you are a financial advisor with the goal of developing your business, you must realize the importance of good communication skills. We invite you to Make 2015 Your Best Year Ever, a virtual meeting which, we promise, will give you ideas, techniques, and specific language to improve your one-on-one conversations with prospects and your marketing presentations.
In case you have not met him, Scott Pace is the founder of Advisor Growth and one of the most sought-after business development experts and coaches in the financial services industry. His financial services industry clients will tell you, “Scott helped our advisors implement growth strategies that result in triple-digit percentage increases while enhancing the quality of our lives.”
On Thursday, December 18th at Noon Eastern, I am joining forces with Scott. Perhaps you have read his book, Cold Calling Mastery: Lessons from Selling on Wall Street? In this complimentary webinar, we will discuss what matters most to financial advisors: how to have more meaningful, one-on-one conversations with prospective clients and how to prepare and present a powerful, persuasive presentation.
For more information and to register, click here. Even if you can’t attend, sign up for the replay.
Patricia Fripp, CSP, CPAE, is a Hall of Fame award-winning speaker, sales presentation skills trainer, and an in-demand executive speech coach. Kiplinger’s Personal Finance wrote, “Patricia Fripp’s speaking school is the sixth best way to invest in you.” Patricia Fripp is now virtually everywhere with her highly interactive, learn-at-your-own-pace virtual training, www.FrippVT.com. Her clients include Genentech, Cisco, SAP, Microsoft, and many financial advisors.
Financial advisors can listen in to the conversation between two expert resources – Patricia Fripp and Scott Pace.
For more information and to register, click here. Even if you cannot attend, you can sign up for the replay. After all, you do want to make 2015 your best year ever!

Imagine a training program that gives you 24/7 access to one of the most in-demand executive speech coaches and sales presentation experts. Fripp Virtual Training is designed to be immediately engaging and makes it fun to learn. If you are a novice presenter or a seasoned professional, you will find the content both practical and relevant.
Sign up for your complimentary seven-day trial and discover how Fripp VT can transform you and your team. Fripp VT delivers high-caliber comprehensive presentation and sales presentations skills training with built in accountability. http://frippvt.com
“As the author of a best-selling sales book, I receive invitations to speak at meetings and conferences. A trusted colleague told me the best investment he made in his speaking career was to hire speech coach Patricia Fripp. After three days locked in a room with her, I realize he is right. Patricia is a master at helping structure and script your presentation.”
Andy Paul, Author, Zero Time Selling
Executive Speech Coach and Hall of Fame Keynote Speaker Patricia Fripp is hired by individuals and companies who realize that powerful, persuasive presentation skills give them a competitive edge.