Are you confident your sales presentations are more consistently compelling than your competition’s? When I work with sales teams to help drive more business, we look at every communication in the sales process. What I have observed is that when several sales team members deliver formal presentations to the prospect, they miss out on a […]


Success: 3 Frippicisms at a Time One. Make short-term decisions that will help your long-term goals. Ask yourself, “Will my time and financial investments position me and my business for where I want to be in 5 years?” Consider the timeline of your weekly activity. Are you learning, improving, staying connected with past clients, and […]


Developing good public speaking skills helps you make more sales more often. To sell you need technical skills, product knowledge, how you compare to your competition, territory management, a good relationship management system, discipline, and self-management. However, that is not enough. Too often the best presentation wins. Earlier in my career when I was primarily […]


With the Right Sales Presentations, You Can! Developing good public speaking skills helps you make more sales more often. To sell you need technical skills, product knowledge, know the details of you compared to your competition, territory management, a good relationship management system, discipline, and self-management. However, that is not enough. Too often the best […]


Does yours add to or distract from your message? When I ask my clients, “How long is your sales presentation,” it scares me when they answer, “12 slides.” Or if I ask, “How do you design your sales presentation,” it’s downright terrifying to hear them say, “We get the slide deck.” If you start creating […]


When I am working with speech coaching clients or delivering presentation skills training, I ask the question, “Are you guilty of this goof that can hurt your credibility?” If you’re asking yourself what difference it could make, I’ll tell you. A huge one! In any professional setting, you are hired because what you say sounds […]


When you fire up your presentations, you can get others to buy into your ideas and get better results. Every ambitious professional, professional speaker, entrepreneur, leader, and sales executive can get promoted, build their business, inspire action, and drive more sales with Patricia Fripp’s presentation strategies. Enjoy presentation skills expert Patricia Fripp’s live web training […]


A sales manager’s shocking secret and four sales secrets to help you sell more… I Did Not Expect to Hear This! Imagine my surprise when the national sales manager said this to 60 of his top associates, “At lunch, the sales team and I decided we have no idea how we managed to sell anything […]


Dan Hersh interviews sales presentation skills expert Patricia Fripp for the Engaged Prospect podcast. Companies hire Patricia to help them increase sales by improving their important conversations and presentations. Dan is an expert on inside sales. In this interview, you will hear how to phrase your questions, comments, and presentations in a way to engage […]