Even if you do not want to sell your business, if you prepare it so that you could, your current business will improve. I met Mike when he hired me to help him develop a speech to market his services. It worked! This article is from the content of his presentation. Enjoy. My friend Michael […]


Yes, it makes me want to scream! Because “super” is not really super. It appears that a huge amount of the population has come to believe that everything even slightly pleasant, wonderful, important, revolutionary, impressive, or valuable is now super. How about super-exciting, super-good, or super-great? Our language is full of hundreds of descriptive words. […]


Opportunity does not knock once. It knocks all the time, but we do not always recognize the sound. Early in her career, TV host Joan Lunden received great advice from Barbara Walters. “Take every crumb they throw you, and handle them magnificently.” You never know which magnificent crumb is going to be your big break. […]


My brother Robert Fripp, is an internationally-acclaimed guitarist, founding and ongoing member of King Crimson worked in a hotel dance band while going to college. It may interest you to know that he took the job over from a friend who moved to London. His friend was Andy Summers, of the famed rock band, The […]


It never ceases to amaze me that intelligent, well-educated, ambitious professionals frequently overlook developing the number one skill that is guaranteed to position them ahead of the crowd. That skill is the ability to stand up and speak eloquently in public or at least stagger to their feet and say anything at all. What is […]


The TV Show West Wing Made Speechwriting Sexy At least when Rob Lowe is the speechwriter and he is writing for the President played by Martin Sheen. However, the members of the Professional Speechwriters Association, some of who have written for US Presidents, felt a certain pride, at least when the show was running. Speechwriters […]


My brother Robert Fripp is an internationally acclaimed guitarist and a founding member of King Crimson. His discography includes an innovative performance on David Bowie’s Heroes. Remarkably, Robert is as brilliant a thinker, writer, and speaker as he is a musician. Experience The Wit, Wisdom, and World of Robert Fripp in His Own Words when […]


For most people, even with natural talent, there is no such thing as overnight success. More often, success is a result of something my brother, Robert Fripp calls “discipline.”  In case you didn’t know, Robert is a legendary guitarist who is included on Rolling Stone magazine’s list of “100 Greatest Guitarists” of all time – […]