It is not your client’s job to remember you. It is your responsibility to make sure you are unforgettable. Here is a great action step to take. Call your five best clients, those whom you currently use as references. Even if you leave a voicemail, say “Bob, I never get tired of telling the story […]


With the Right Sales Presentations, You Can! Developing good public speaking skills helps you make more sales more often. To sell you need technical skills, product knowledge, know the details of you compared to your competition, territory management, a good relationship management system, discipline, and self-management. However, that is not enough. Too often the best […]


It never ceases to amaze me that intelligent, well-educated, and ambitious professionals frequently overlook developing the number one skill that is guaranteed to position them ahead of the crowd. Namely, the ability to stand and speak eloquently in public, or at least stagger to their feet and say anything at all. What is it about […]


Even the most hardened prospect can’t resist a good story when it is well told. Keep in mind, the reason you tell stories is that your prospects will not remember everything you say. They will, however, remember what they see and feel while they listen to you speak. Rely on three powerful story formulas to […]


Does yours add to or distract from your message? When I ask my clients, “How long is your sales presentation,” it scares me when they answer, “12 slides.” Or if I ask, “How do you design your sales presentation,” it’s downright terrifying to hear them say, “We get the slide deck.” If you start creating […]


The Quality of Information You Receive Depends on the Quality of Your Questions As a seasoned sales professional, you are familiar with the importance of asking good questions in order to discover how a prospect can benefit from your product or service. The right questions give you good information that will move the conversation and […]


A sales manager’s shocking secret and four sales secrets to help you sell more… I Did Not Expect to Hear This! Imagine my surprise when the national sales manager said this to 60 of his top associates, “At lunch, the sales team and I decided we have no idea how we managed to sell anything […]


Good customer service is more than good PR. It is the best way to increase sales from the same customers and also earn recommendations. At a time when every customer counts we must never forget how our customers see us. One single negative contact can ruin your reputation in the eyes of not only that […]


It is your obligation and responsibility not to let them forget you. We all know reselling your satisfied customers is easier than finding new ones. However, you are failing your customers if they don’t see how you can serve them differently than they first engaged with you. Never assume that customers, clients, and prospects know […]