Perhaps you can relate to this situation: “Hi, Fripp! Next week I’m invited to deliver a speech to a 500-person audience, and it’s been six months since I’ve spoken in public. What are your suggestions to help me be less nervous?” No matter how seasoned you are, it’s still natural to feel some apprehension at […]


Last words linger. Star presenters know this well and use it to their advantage. Give your closing words extra consideration. Don’t close your presentation with, “We’re out of time,” even if you are. You waste your final opportunity to reinforce your core message. Don’t close on a Q & A, just in case you’re asked […]


If you want to improve your presentations learn your options for openings. No matter what your subject, audience makeup, or length of presentation what good presentations have in common is they get off to a good start. The first 30 seconds of your presentation are very important, as your goal is to engage the audience. […]


If you have one of your past presentations recorded, watch it. Take notes on what you do well and what you believe you could do better. When you’re watching your recorded presentation, it’s a good idea to pretend you’re watching somebody else. This allows you to be more objective.  What did this speaker do right? […]


Let’s go over the basics of a good presentation. Whether it’s an important conversation or a formal presentation, you need: Scintillating content Strong speech structure You need to: Start on a high Close with the impact And you need:


When you have to give a speech or presentation, how do you decide what to wear? Maybe you haven’t considered how your appearance can influence your audience’s response to you? In this short video, I share a few tips, for both men and women, on how to dress in a manner that will support your […]


Sometimes the ideal opening line is already right in front of you. Pay attention to your conversations. Great content, including the perfect phrase to open your presentation, can pop up in the middle of a conversation. I spend a lot of time with my professional speaker friends and often in the middle of a conversation […]


When you know you’ll you have a few minutes to present to a true decision maker, what do you say? Don’t panic. This is a great opportunity. Be prepared and get to the point. Remember, with a senior-level executive you must be clear, concise, credible, and able to articulate your bottom line. Always start with structure. […]


How do you find content for your speech or presentation? A treasure trove of content is waiting to be discovered in your everyday personal or professional life.  Your own experiences, even if they seem “ordinary” to you, can be a great source of relatable, entertaining and authentic content. Consider how you might incorporate stories you’re […]


Are you confident when you deliver a presentation to senior management? If yes, great! But if you’re like many others who are intimidated by the very thought of being “in the hot seat,” you may need to work on your public speaking skills. It’s no secret that the higher you go up the corporate ladder, […]