Powerful, Persuasive Sales Presentations Coaching Camp Are you confident that your sales presentations are powerful, professional, polished, and focused on the needs of your prospects and clients? Can your competitors match your references, results and reputation? Could you benefit from a competitive edge? Do you realize that when everything else seems equal a powerful, persuasive sales […]


Even as an expert in business communications I constantly learn from my friends and mentors in the National Speakers Association. Don and Kathleen Thoren write, speak and coaching on Life Enriching Tips. Enjoy…. WHAT DO I SAY NOW?! Has someone said something and you weren’t sure what to say back??? Seconds tick by and your mind […]


As an executive speech coach and frequent presenter on “How to Go From Good to Great to Awesome” I was interested and amused by this article from Ragan.com. Ragan first came to my attention when they booked me to speak at the Ragan Speechwriters Conference. Their newsletters are always amazing.


As a long time professional speaker, speech coach, and someone who advises other professional speakers on what they can charge, I thought it was a good idea to check with Mike Frank. Mike is the president of Speakers Unlimited. Frank On Fees by Mike Frank I’m a big believer in setting a fee structure and […]


As an executive speech coach I am sometimes asked, “How do I handle distractions?” Ringing cell phones and computer crashes can challenge anyone delivering a presentation. My friend Rob Sherman wrote this helpful article. How to Deal with Distractions by Rob Sherman Presentation distractions are inevitable. You can’t avoid them. These unplanned events that divert […]


Want to Improve Your Presentation Skills? Learn from Hollywood Actor and Speaker Bob Roitblat presents Hollywood techniques for better professional speaking. Last week I was speaking for the National Speakers Association Illinois. What a great group and one of my news friends is Bob Roitblat. If you are a regular reader you know I love learning from Hollywood […]


Who knew? Wow, I was looking at my retweets and saw at least in Evan Carmichael’s opinion I am one of the top 100 Top Leadership Experts to Follow on Twitter. Even though I have slipped a couple of places from last  year I feel pretty good. Thanks Evan. http://www.evancarmichael.com/Business-Coach/4492/April-2013-Top-100-Leadership-Experts-to-Follow-on-Twitter.html Patricia Fripp is an executive speech […]


I am on my way to speak for the National Speakers Association in Chicago on Friday, April 26th. The chapter has someone picking me up at the airport. Naturally I Googled who it was. WOW!!! As my favorite activity is having interesting conversations with interesting people you can image how excited  I am to find […]


Here is your public speaking lesson for the day… Edit your speech to a nub. Edit out the words that have no meaning. For example, if you say, “Each and every one of you in this room…” you are using nine words when you should just use one. Just say, “You.”