Always Have a Sure-Fire Opening I’m frequently asked what mistakes most speakers make. One is thinking that once they have prepared their presentation, they don’t need to script and internalize the opening. Very often I hear professional speakers and executives say, “Oh, when I get there, I’m going to see what’s going on and personalize […]


Frippicism: The key to career success is to learn to sell yourself and your ideas to your senior management. It’s no secret. The higher up the corporate ladder you go, the more important your public speaking skills become.  If you have your sights set on increased responsibility with the position and the salary that goes […]


I’m frequently asked, “What are the mistakes that speakers make?” One is thinking they have to write out their complete speech. What I recommend you do instead is follow a logical presentation preparation process. Think, what is the big idea of your speech, your premise, or your central theme? What are the talking points? What […]


Maximize Your Investment When Booking Speakers If you had an unlimited budget to hire the most in-demand keynote speakers and breakout speakers for your next meeting or convention life would be much easier. Since it’s not, here are some tips on getting the most for your meeting dollar. Let me tell you about a project […]