Be creative. Think Hollywood! Tell stories and give examples as you go through your program, the same way you would in person. However, your Webinar needs more visuals to help engage the audience. Use more slides than with an in-person presentation. Add bullet points one at a time as you “build.” Don’t present a list of all your points before you discuss them. Keep it simple, keep it moving, and interact often.


This is a great technique to be understood. If your goal is to sound clear, concise, and credible this advice is invaluable. Nothing can turn your audience or prospect off faster… … than using fat words when they’re hungry for skinny ones. Or vice versa. I learned this exciting concept… … from Dr. David Palmer, […]


There are many life lessons we can learn from movie stars and Hollywood. Be willing to pay your dues. My friend Scott McKain used to review films for WISH-TV in Indianapolis where he lives. He insists that one of the nicest guys in Hollywood is John Travolta. Two decades ago, Travolta seemed to be a […]