Stand still at the start of your presentation. Your audience members need a moment to become accustomed to the sound of your voice, your style of speaking, and sometimes your accent. After this, incorporate movement into your presentation, only if your movements are purposeful and support your message. Learn how to make your movements match […]


Imagine that you’re waiting offstage, about to deliver an important presentation. Are you a little bit nervous? Are you warming up? Or, have you found a comfortable chair in a corner where you can surreptitiously check your messages? (Hint: This would be a mistake!) In this brief video sample from Fripp Virtual Training, I explain what […]


Speech coach and author Gary Genard is a great blogger. In a recent post, Gary discusses Sir Richard Branson’s advice on public speaking. Branson, the entrepreneur, adventurer, humanitarian, and founder of the Virgin Group, explained his approach to presentations in an article called, “My Top Tips for Public Speaking,” on the Virgin website. Branson declared, […]


Designing a presentation starts with the creative process, which can be messy. PowerPoint is tidy, but should only come in later when preparing a presentation. I love PowerPoint. Maybe you do too? Remember, however, that PowerPoint is a visual aid.


Close your presentation with words that support your message and maximize your impact. Never end by announcing, “We’re out of time,” even if you are. Never end by thanking the audience for being there. Never assume you can “just wing it.” Plan, script, and rehearse exactly how you will close your presentation. Here are six […]


Learn the Right Way to Prepare a Presentation At every stage of your career, when you open your mouth you sell yourself, your ideas, your value, and your ability. Fortunately, even if you’re not a born communicator, the ability to deliver a powerful presentation can be learned. I share this story about one intelligent and […]


Q: What is the secret of delivering a good presentation? A: The audience is interested. Q: How do I know that they will be? A: If it is interesting, entertaining, and your audience can see themselves in your presentations… your audience will be interested. Therefore, ask yourself these three questions: Who is my audience? What […]


I’ve been paid to speak, train, and consult for over 35 years. I will let you in on the dirty little secret of the training industry… When you have a great speaker delivering content the audience is genuinely interested in, even in the most ideal situation, two weeks later the audience will have forgotten 70% […]