Business and educational professionals know that whenever you present, whether you’re talking to one person or one hundred, you want to connect with your audience and get your message across. What’s the best way to do this when you deliver a virtual presentation? These strategies will help you get your message across, maximize your impact, […]


How Can a Good Speech Coach Make You a Better Speaker?  Watch and see. Patricia Fripp delivered this session as the third presentation at the District 1 Toastmasters Virtual Spring Conference 2020. Patricia was coaching brave coachee’s. The audience saw how editing, specificity, painting a picture, using shorter sentences, using time as a setup phrase, […]


How to Make a Good Presentation Great with Good Examples Patricia Fripp’s “Under the Influence” Virtual Keynote Speech Presented to the District 1 Toastmasters Virtual Spring Conference 2020 Patricia Fripp posed the question “Who influences you?” The title came from her friend Peter Legge’s latest book. Over her keynote career, she has spoken over 3,500 […]


With hundreds of millions now working from home and communicating through Zoom, you have an advantage when you understand how to make Zoom work for you. Patricia Fripp and Director of Client Experience for FrippVT, Paul Griffin team up to share their best practices and technical expertise to help you get the most from Zoom:


3 Great Techniques for You to Captivate Your Audience When your message is memorable, your communication clear, and your presentation powerful, you will position yourself for greater success. If you are a leader, manager, executive, sales professional, or keynote speaker, you are more effective when you tell great stories and use good examples. These three […]


It is your obligation and responsibility not to let them forget you. We all know reselling your satisfied customers is easier than finding new ones. However, you are failing your customers if they don’t see how you can serve them differently than they first engaged with you. Never assume that customers, clients, and prospects know […]


Your presentation can be powerful and persuasive when you connect with your audience both intellectually and emotionally. Eye contact is essential to creating an emotional connection with an audience of any size. This is true whether you’re speaking one-on-one or delivering a formal presentation from the stage. Eye contact gives you an edge in business. […]


With current technology, you might not be surprised at how often I’m asked, “How do you use video in your business?” As often and in as many ways as possible! We have a green screen, professional lighting, and great recording equipment, and my assistant has become highly proficient at adding backgrounds, images, and branding. This […]


Do you know how to grab your audience? The first thirty seconds of your presentation are critical, like the first page of a book or first seconds of a TV show or film. If you don’t make an impact and hint at more to come, you lose your audience. Good movies, TV shows, and books, […]