Have you noticed; some people are very uncomfortable talking about themselves even when they are very successful? This may be because when you were young, your parents told you to not “Show Off.” Or you are uncomfortable when someone else drones on about themselves and all their much-exaggerated accomplishments. I understand. However, from time to […]


Tips on How to Give an Acceptance Speech Accepting an award is like walking a tightrope. You need to be gracious, grateful, and humble, yet not so humble or self-deprecating that the audience thinks you are trivializing the honor. In May of 2022, Dan Maddux, my best long-time client and Executive Director of the American […]


When you fire up your presentations, you can get others to buy into your ideas and get better results. Every ambitious professional, professional speaker, entrepreneur, leader, and sales executive can get promoted, build their business, inspire action, and drive more sales with Patricia Fripp’s presentation strategies. Enjoy presentation skills expert Patricia Fripp’s live web training […]


How do you communicate your ideals? Leaders are most effective when they communicate well. In challenging times, communication becomes even more important. As an executive speech coach, I work with leaders to help them convey complex issues and ideals in their presentations. We make these concepts understandable to an audience, usually through stories.


Criticism: How to Turn Gripes into Growth Criticism, also known as feedback, can help us improve our presentation skills. No one enjoys being criticized, but if you want to succeed, you must overcome your natural instincts and actively seek out feedback, good and bad. After years as a professional speaker, I understand. Some years I […]


My brother Robert Fripp is an internationally acclaimed guitarist and a founding member of King Crimson. His discography includes an innovative performance on David Bowie’s Heroes. Remarkably, Robert is as brilliant a thinker, writer, and speaker as he is a musician. Experience The Wit, Wisdom, and World of Robert Fripp in His Own Words when […]


Learn the Right Way to Prepare a Presentation When you open your mouth at every stage of your career, you sell yourself, your ideas, your value, and your ability. Fortunately, even if you’re not a born communicator, the ability to deliver a powerful presentation can be learned. I share this story about one intelligent and […]


If you have one of your past presentations recorded, watch it. Take notes on what you do well and what you believe you could do better. When you’re watching your recorded presentation, it’s a good idea to pretend you’re watching somebody else. This allows you to be more objective.  What did this speaker do right? […]