Dan Hersh interviews sales presentation skills expert Patricia Fripp for the Engaged Prospect podcast. Companies hire Patricia to help them increase sales by improving their important conversations and presentations. Dan is an expert on inside sales. In this interview, you will hear how to phrase your questions, comments, and presentations in a way to engage […]


It is your obligation and responsibility not to let them forget you. We all know it is easier to resell your satisfied customers than find new ones. However, you are failing your customers if they don’t know how you can serve them in different ways than they first engaged with you. Never assume that customers, […]


Imagine my surprise when the national sales manager said to 60 of his top associates, “At lunch the sales team and I agreed, we have no idea how we managed to sell anything before we met Patricia!” He told me, “It takes a year for us to get the opportunity to deliver an hour presentation […]


“Patricia, what is the biggest mistake sales professionals make?” I was recently asked this in an interview. My answer? Not rehearsing. I expected to hear, “We lock the presentation team in the board room for a week. We go over our parts, video, and review. Then we bring in at least five different audiences of […]


With current technology, you might not be surprised at how often I’m asked, “How do you use video in your business?” As often and in as many ways as possible! We have a green screen, professional lighting, and great recording equipment, and my assistant has become highly proficient at adding backgrounds, images, and branding. This […]


Selling to large enterprises can be complex, but your sales presentation does not have to be. You are often speaking to the audience of your audience. In other words, your presentation will be repeated and discussed for months with individuals you may not have met. When your message is clear, concise, and focused on the […]


If you are on the phone, a webinar, or in person, and you have a few minutes with the executive, what do you say to keep on track and be professional? Here is an invaluable framework. Adapt it to your situation, and boost your confidence and credibility. Imagine that you have a satisfied client company […]


When you know you’ll you have a few minutes to present to a true decision maker, what do you say? Don’t panic. This is a great opportunity. Be prepared and get to the point. Remember, with a senior-level executive you must be clear, concise, credible, and able to articulate your bottom line. Always start with structure. […]


Prospecting can be one of the most frustrating aspects of selling. Leading sales strategist, Jim Pancero shares this four-step process to reduce frustration and increase results when you reach out to prospects.  Discover how your personal selling style and philosophy could be dramatically impacting your level of success. You will learn what it takes to gain an advantage. We know you’re good, […]