Would it shock you to know that most professionals waste valuable time organizing their presentations? If you begin your process by opening your last PowerPoint presentation you may be guilty of falling into the trap of believing that is your presentation. Don’t get me wrong, I love PowerPoint. I often say, “Use more slides with […]


Last words linger. Star presenters know this well and use it to their advantage. Give your closing words extra consideration. Don’t close your presentation with, “We’re out of time,” even if you are. You waste your final opportunity to reinforce your core message. Don’t close on a Q & A, just in case you’re asked […]


If you want to improve your presentations learn your options for openings. No matter what your subject, audience makeup, or length of presentation what good presentations have in common is they get off to a good start. The first 30 seconds of your presentation are very important, as your goal is to engage the audience. […]


True rock stars always end a concert on a high. Next, their fans spill from the crowded arena, still rocking out to an awesome replay in their heads. We can learn a lot about inspiring action and commitment from the world of rock music. When it comes to your presentation, always close on a high. […]


Even highly intelligent, well-educated, and ambitious executives can find themselves at a loss when called on to deliver a powerful presentation. The good news is, even if you’re not a born speaker, you can learn how to inspire action and commitment. I share the ROCK Star Principles one shy engineer used – and you can […]


If you have one of your past presentations recorded, watch it. Take notes on what you do well and what you believe you could do better. When you’re watching your recorded presentation, it’s a good idea to pretend you’re watching somebody else. This allows you to be more objective.  What did this speaker do right? […]


If you think you can use the first 45 seconds with an audience to “warm up,” think again! Use your opening to immediately engage your audience, so they realize from your first words, “Wow! This is going to be good!” In an era of tough competition, presentations that persuade, educate, motivate, and inspire give you […]


If you are on the phone, a webinar, or in person, and you have a few minutes with the executive, what do you say to keep on track and be professional? Here is an invaluable framework. Adapt it to your situation, and boost your confidence and credibility. Imagine that you have a satisfied client company […]


Let’s go over the basics of a good presentation. Whether it’s an important conversation or a formal presentation, you need: Scintillating content Strong speech structure You need to: Start on a high Close with the impact And you need:


Sometimes the ideal opening line is already right in front of you. Pay attention to your conversations. Great content, including the perfect phrase to open your presentation, can pop up in the middle of a conversation. I spend a lot of time with my professional speaker friends and often in the middle of a conversation […]