Lady and the Champs How to Speaking Conference 2014
February 22-23, 2014 at the Palms Hotel, Las Vegas
Presentations will include Executive Speech Coach and Hall of Fame Keynote Speaker, Patricia Fripp sharing her expertise.
Keynote – Under the Magnifying Glass: From Good to Great on Steroids
In this entertaining, thought-provoking keynote speech you will learn four specific techniques that will guarantee both you and your presentations are memorable. You will understand how to:
- Present in a way that your audience can better visualize what you are saying
- Understand how to review past presentations to improve them
- Add clarity and comprehension to benefit your audience.
These techniques are unknown to many experienced speakers.
Breakout #1 – Good to Great Presentations: Under the Magnifying Glass “Mini Coaching”
After you have listened to the lessons in Patricia’s keynote you will have the opportunity to put her ideas into action. Patricia will invite volunteers to deliver a few lines of their presentation. You will learn both by watching the process or by being “in the hot seat” how editing, specific language, picture words, and presenting “time” first can make a good presentation great.
This is your unique opportunity to watch Patricia Fripp, the unarguably most in-demand executive speech coach, in action.
Breakout #2 – How to Create Your Keynote… Faster Than You Think!
A good keynote speech begins with good structure. Learn the most important steps of confidently creating your masterpiece faster than you thought possible. In this session you benefit from a “mini” version of Patricia and Darren LaCroix’s classic “Create Your Keynote by Next Week.”
You will learn how to:
- Save time by preparing a simple solid speech structure
- Determine your central theme
- Utilize familiar content with group specific content
- Open and close with impact
Discover why “Create Your Keynote by Next Week” is such a top-selling program. Beginning, intermediate, and advanced speakers can benefit from this program.
Breakout #3 – Super Star Sales Presentations: The Inside Secrets

Are you losing sales you feel you deserve to make? Would you benefit from being more powerfully persuasive by avoiding some of the most common and biggest mistakes of many sales professionals?
- Would it be helpful if your prospect remembered what you said?
- Would it be beneficial if three weeks later, your prospect could repeat your key ideas?
- Would it be profitable if your prospect vividly knew why others selected you as their vendor of choice?
- In this session you will learn how to STOP making sales professionals most common mistakes
Attend this program before your competition does! After all, your future business success could depend on it.
Breakout #4 – What I Learned from Thirty-Plus Years of Professionally Speaking
Patricia Fripp first received payment for speaking in 1976. She has been a full-time paid professional speaker since 1984 the year she became the National Speakers Association’s first woman President. What you will learn from her very candid remarks will be determined partly by YOUR questions.
As a foundation this is what we promise you will learn:
- Why it is so much easier now to launch your speaking career
- Why it is so much harder to launch your speaking career
- How our clients have changed
- How our audiences have changed
- Why it is so much easier now to be considered an expert
- Is there any difference for women speakers? …really!

This is the first time this up-close-and- personal session has been available.
Patricia Fripp is a Hall of Fame keynote speaker, executive speech coach, sales presentation skills trainer and partner in World Champions Edge speech training and coaching community.
Here partners are Ed Tate, Darren LaCroix, and Craig Valentine. Craig, Ed, and Darren are all Toastmasters International World Champions of Public Speaking.
This premier learning event in the speaking industry only happens once a year…
After seeing Patricia at NSANM for the first time I was hooked and wanted to see and do more with my speaking career. See you in Vegas ready to gamble on myself and learning from the Lady@The Champs.
Wow…thanks so muuch. At $197 for early sign up this is the deal of the century. Fripp