The first 30 seconds of your presentation is the optimum time for you to capture your audience’s attention. Don’t waste it! Give your opening words some extra consideration. Always start your presentation with impact. When you engage your audience immediately, you help to ensure the overall success of your presentation. Here are a few of […]


Top salespeople, corporate visionaries, and celebrity-level professional speakers may have significantly different business backgrounds, skill sets, and philosophies – but for the most part, they all share the ability to tell a good story. Public speaking is the number one tool of leadership. If you know you need to improve your public speaking skills, mastering […]


Preparation is the key to successfully delivering your presentations Whether you are delivering a business or sales presentation, it’s a mistake to think you can just “wing it.” If you have years of experience in your industry or profession, this still holds true. Even professional speakers must prepare for and rehearse before each presentation. My […]


The opening lines of your presentation – whether it’s a sales, business, or professional presentation – can be compared to the opening scenes of a movie. We all know the thrill of a blockbuster that grabs our attention from the first frame, versus the agony of a slow-starter that leaves us squirming in our seats. […]


Salespeople have an awesome responsibility. Whenever they open their mouths, they are putting themselves and their entire organization on the line – taking a risk in the hope of a favorable outcome. Even the best, most experienced salespersons can benefit from the coaching and polishing of an expert coach and trainer. Here are the 12 […]


The Best Way to Open a Sales Presentation Most sales professionals begin their sales presentations by thanking their audience for the time and talking about themselves and their firm. If that’s your approach, stop. If you want to capture the attention of your prospect “I recommend every sales present  start by saying something nice about […]


If you are a financial advisor with the goal of developing your business, you must realize the importance of good communication skills. We invite you to Make 2015 Your Best Year Ever, a virtual meeting which, we promise, will give you ideas, techniques, and specific language to improve your one-on-one conversations with prospects and your […]


Developing a powerful and persuasive presentation begins with thoughtful structure and careful word choices. Speakers can benefit from learning the secrets of good writers.  I share this fascinating article from Ragan Communications explaining the psychological strategies copywriters use to craft headlines. Courtney Seiter explains how and why effective copy works on even the most distracted […]