A sales manager’s shocking secret and four sales secrets to help you sell more… I Did Not Expect to Hear This! Imagine my surprise when the national sales manager said this to 60 of his top associates, “At lunch, the sales team and I decided we have no idea how we managed to sell anything […]


Good customer service is more than good PR. It is the best way to increase sales from the same customers and also earn recommendations. At a time when every customer counts we must never forget how our customers see us. One single negative contact can ruin your reputation in the eyes of not only that […]


It is your obligation and responsibility not to let them forget you. We all know reselling your satisfied customers is easier than finding new ones. However, you are failing your customers if they don’t see how you can serve them differently than they first engaged with you. Never assume that customers, clients, and prospects know […]


When you’re an engineer presenting at a user meeting or customer conference, you are the expert on the topic you plan to deliver to your customers. Remember, your audience does not want to know everything you know; they just need to know about the subject of your presentation. You can connect with your audience, regardless […]


Selling to large enterprises can be complex, but your sales presentation does not have to be. You are often speaking to the audience of your audience. In other words, your presentation will be repeated and discussed for months with individuals you may not have met. When your message is clear, concise, and focused on the […]


Prospecting can be one of the most frustrating aspects of selling. Leading sales strategist, Jim Pancero shares this four-step process to reduce frustration and increase results when you reach out to prospects.  Discover how your personal selling style and philosophy could be dramatically impacting your level of success. You will learn what it takes to gain an advantage. We know you’re good, […]


You’ve probably heard, “A confused mind always says, ‘No.’” Well, it’s true. In my work with sales professionals, I remind them that unnecessary industry jargon can overwhelm prospects. David Hoffeld, author of The Science of Selling would add that too many options can also overwhelm. David was my guest at a recent FrippVT Sales Series web […]