Effective Leaders Recognize Everyday Heroes Communication is key to effective leadership. In fact, in challenging times it becomes even more important to communicate well. As a leader, how do you inspire others to action? One way is to recognize and share the stories of everyday heroes.


How do you communicate your ideals? Leaders are most effective when they communicate well. In challenging times, communication becomes even more important. As an executive speech coach, I work with leaders to help them convey complex issues and ideals in their presentations. We make these concepts understandable to an audience, usually through stories.


Great Leadership Presentations Honor Heroes Communication is critical to effective leadership. In challenging times, this is even more true. When you prepare a presentation, remember the everyday heroes in your organization. My brother Robert Fripp is 1 year, 1 month, 2 days, 12 ½ hours younger than I am. He often says, “I am not […]


Stories are the best way to inspire and motivate. I was coaching an executive with the Gap. He needed to inspire action and commitment. I first asked him to tell me about himself. He said,“I’m a newly promoted vice president and this is my first speech to the company since my promotion.”


As a presentation skills expert, people frequently ask, “Patricia, what happens when I have to cut my presentation?” For professional speakers, it is not uncommon to be booked for an hour’s time and have your slot cut to 40 minutes to keep the client on schedule. Business meetings often run over and take a lot […]


With hundreds of millions now working from home and communicating through Zoom, you have an advantage when you understand how to make Zoom work for you. Patricia Fripp and Director of Client Experience for FrippVT, Paul Griffin team up to share their best practices and technical expertise to help you get the most from Zoom:


Do you know how to be a leader who inspires action and commitment from your team? Laura Stack of Leadership USA and I recently met to talk about how leaders can inspire action and commitment. I share this recording and transcript of our webinar. Enjoy!


What’s the secret to mesmerizing any audience of any size at any time? There’s a simple and profound answer. How often have you sat in an audience and been mesmerized by a speaker? Did they reach out and grab you in such a way that you thought, “Wow, the speaker’s talking just to me”? Was […]