Do you immediately engage your audience? Powerful openings are key to successful presentations. Learn how to craft and deliver your openings so you always engage your audience within the first 30 seconds of your talk. The First 30 Seconds Innovative Openings Launch Memorable Meetings Patricia Fripp was coaching a CEO from a major corporation. He […]


If you are invited to speak on a panel and think you can just “wing it” …think again. Almost everyone is aware that a formal presentation requires preparation and rehearsal, but it’s easy to forget that “doing your homework” can ensure your success in any speaking situation, including a panel discussion. As a panelist – […]


More than any words you say in your presentation, your audience will remember what they “see” in their minds while they are listening. Learn the secrets of great storytelling. Everybody loves a good story. The art of storytelling is essential to effective public speaking. No matter what our culture, we grow up feeling that hearing […]


Practice Makes Perfect – Or Does it? I’m a believer in learning through repetition and reinforcement. However, as we practice and rehearse our presentations we need to ask ourselves, “Am I practicing to improve or to reinforce bad habits?” The reality is that we are doing both. You’re familiar with the expression, “Practice makes perfect.” […]


It is your obligation and responsibility not to let them forget you. We all know it is easier to resell your satisfied customers than find new ones. However, you are failing your customers if they don’t know how you can serve them in different ways than they first engaged with you. Never assume that customers, […]


Is fear of death really second only to fear of public speaking? Maybe you can relate? A presentation is the most cost-effective way to generate interest in your services, products, expertise, or organization. Consider, how many contacts, clients, buyers you might capture with a 20-minute talk? If the thought of a great outcome isn’t enough […]