Gail was the Association Executive when I was president of the National Speakers Association. We planned the board meetings ahead of time at a health spa in Palm Springs. We would exercise in the morning, plan in the afternoon. The tough job for an Association Exec is that they have a new president every year, […]


Congratulations! You’ve been chosen (or drafted) to deliver a speech. Don’t panic — Fripp is here! What Do I Talk About? Start by asking yourself three questions: Who is my audience? (What do I know about the corporate culture or collective personality of the group?) What do they want or need to know from me? […]


Every speaker wants to captivate their various audiences. If that is your goal, find and perfect your own stories. Stories create an emotional bond with your audience. We all know stories make a speech, sales presentation, or staff training more interesting.  Some of the best stories for your presentations are those you select from your […]


This is a great technique to be understood. If your goal is to sound clear, concise, and credible this advice is invaluable. Nothing can turn your audience or prospect off faster… … than using fat words when they’re hungry for skinny ones. Or vice versa. I learned this exciting concept… … from Dr. David Palmer, […]


“If you roll out the red carpet for a billionaire, they won’t even notice it. If you roll out the red carpet for a millionaire, they expect it. If you roll out the red carpet for a thousandaire, they appreciate it. If you roll out the red carpet for a hundredaire, they tell everybody they […]


John Kinde has fun with Patricia Fripp at the NSA Las Vegas. Here is a brief bit Observational Humor I used as an opening remark at the Las Vegas Chapter of the National Speakers Association.  Patricia Fripp was the featured speaker presenting a full-day program.  Her program included individual coaching of audience members presenting speech […]