The book apparently has a universal theme. Three publishers in China are now
considering it for an English language version there, as 350 million Chinese
speak fluent English. Prospects also look good in Thailand, Korea, and in
this hemisphere, Brazil. If you’re interested in ordering Simpler Living, it’s
available online through all of the major vendors, including Amazon, Barnes
and Noble, and Powell’s Books, as well as bookstores everywhere. By whatever
means you order it, once you have it in your hands, you’ll learn, as so many
other readers have, that Simpler Living delivers on its promise.
Jeff and THE Executive Speech Coach Patricia Fripp are long time friends


Nancy Juetten is here to tell you that, as an entrepreneur, an attention-grabbing bio is your key to more clients and a better bottom line.
Juetten is the author of Bye-Bye Boring Bio: Attract Clients, Speaking Gigs and Media Interviews Now. The public relations consultant says she was compelled to write the book, now in its second edition, because of how frustrated she was with the information her clients were providing to her “with the idea that I could take that and make headlines with it.”
“It’s a very awkward thing to read what people say about themselves and be snoozing instead of standing at attention,” says Juetten.
According to Juetten, social media have changed the way entrepreneurs need to market themselves. “People everywhere have ADD when it comes to landing somewhere and making a split-second judgment about whether they like what they find. Those people who lead with their degrees and certifications–those doors close for them as soon as they open.”
Do people read bios? Juetten says they not only read them; they take action based on them. Her husband, Steve, a certified financial planner, is proof. “Three days a week,” she says, “someone tells him, ‘I landed on your website and I read your bio, and I knew you were the guy for me.'”
Steve Juetten’s compelling bio soundbite: “Clients hire me for my head, trust me for my heart and value me most when I use both.”


At the time, there were few women speakers who fit in several categories as I did. I was entertaining, yet not a humorist. I had been successful in a male dominated industry. Plus, my energy and personality was a match to the business like it had been in hairstyling. Mike reported, “Men and women like you, and so do young and mature audiences.”
Most of my early engagements came at the recommendation from speakers bureaus or people who had heard me and knew what they were getting.


Danny Cox, CPAE is a giant in the professional speaker world. Author of Leadership When the Heat’s On and known as the Sonic Boom Salesman. Danny has the ability to attract interesting friends. On Danny’s left is with Big Dave Mattey who is an actor and stuntman who works in a lot of science fiction and monster movies. However, check his website he has been in major movies including The Spy Next Door with Jackie Chan. He’s 6′ 10″ tall. On Danny’s right is Sidney Wicks. Sidney is 6’8″ and is in the UCLA basketball Hall of Fame and was an All-American. In Sidney’s career he played with the Portland Trail Blazers, Cleveland Cavaliers, and spent most of his career with the Boston Celtics.


How to Overcome the “I Need to Think about it / Need to Wait until Next Week/Month / I’ll Get Back to You ” Objection by Mike Brooks
One of the oldest and most used smokescreens in the book is the, “I need to think about it” objection. So many sales reps struggle with this one because they think the prospect isn’t saying no, and so they don’t know how to respond to it.
Unfortunately, what many of you have found out is that your prospect actually is saying no – they’re just saying it in a way that makes it difficult for you to handle it. Well that will end for you today. By using the scripts below, you’ll see if your prospect really does need to think about it, or if he/she is blowing you off. Believe me you want to know now so you can save yourself weeks of chasing and begging a deal that will never close.