Then remember, you can build your credibility with well-chosen words. Your management and leadership will notice. FrippVT is Easy. Convenient. Cost-Effective. One of the ways I help my clients get what they want in their lives and careers is by making them aware of how they can clean up their sloppy and nonspecific language. When […]


This is a great technique to be understood. If your goal is to sound clear, concise, and credible, this advice is invaluable. Nothing can turn your audience off faster than using fat words when they’re hungry for skinny ones. Or vice versa. I learned this exciting concept from Dr. David Palmer, who was a Silicon […]


Virtual Presentations Are Here to Stay. Business and educational professionals, speakers, and trainers know that whenever you present, whether you’re talking to one person or one hundred, you want to connect with your audience and get your message across. What’s the best way to do this when you deliver a virtual presentation? Like it or […]


With the Right Sales Presentations, You Can! Developing good public speaking skills helps you make more sales more often. To sell you need technical skills, product knowledge, know the details of you compared to your competition, territory management, a good relationship management system, discipline, and self-management. However, that is not enough. Too often the best […]


Even the most hardened prospect can’t resist a good story when it is well told. Keep in mind, the reason you tell stories is that your prospects will not remember everything you say. They will, however, remember what they see and feel while they listen to you speak. Rely on three powerful story formulas to […]


The Quality of Information You Receive Depends on the Quality of Your Questions As a seasoned sales professional, you are familiar with the importance of asking good questions in order to discover how a prospect can benefit from your product or service. The right questions give you good information that will move the conversation and […]


Learn These 8 Steps to Outstanding Sales Structure The structure of your sales presentation is the skeleton under the flesh of your words. These eight simple, powerful steps to your sales presentation increase your chance to make the sale. Even if you have made a compelling presentation, it often takes weeks or months before you […]


Are You Looking for #1 Best Way to Write a Presentation? The answer is to learn from an expert. In the last forty years, I have delivered 3,500 live presentations and hundreds more virtually, thousands of business and professional speakers have benefited from my techniques. Now you can. In 2021… Don’t wait… create!  A great signature talk is your best […]