As an executive speech coach, I often stress to my clients that specificity is the cornerstone of credibility. To communicate effectively, every word must serve a purpose. One common misstep in public speaking and writing is the overuse of conjunctions like “and” or “but” to begin sentences. My English teacher told the class, “Originally intended […]
Read More...Want to Transform Transactions into Trust: Your Key to Rewarding Business Relationships
Want to Transform Transactions into Trust: Your Key to Rewarding Business Relationships From Sales to Relationships: The Secret Sauce Let’s talk about “those people.” You know, the ones who call only when they need something. Be honest—are they your favorite people? Probably not. Now flip the script. Are you that person to your customers? Are […]
Read More...When A New Relationship Is Worth Millions Remember This Advice
How do you handle a sales presentation when a new relationship is potentially worth millions? These four principles will help you and your sales team build a strong foundation for a new client relationship. Imagine my surprise when a national sales manager addressed his top 60 associates and said, “At lunch, the sales team and […]
Read More...Why I Love Open the Mind and Close the Sale and Why You Will Too
Have you noticed some wisdom that has been around for years suddenly becomes relevant, and with a dedicated person behind it, it is brought back to life to influence a new generation? As a seasoned sales presentation expert, I’ve enjoyed dissecting numerous sales books during my career. However, few have left as lasting an impression […]
Read More...Do You Know How Your Visual Aids May Harm Your Audience Members?
I help high-tech companies with product launches and customer user conferences to highlight the value of their technology. It is a privilege to assist brilliant technical presenters in better understanding how to talk like real people speaking to real people. Their presentations need to simplify the complexity of technology without ever using the words basic […]
Read More...The #1 Skill to Increase Your Business, Career, and Reputation
It never ceases to amaze me that intelligent, well-educated, and ambitious professionals frequently overlook developing the number-one skill guaranteed to position them ahead of the crowd: the ability to stand up and speak eloquently in public, or at least stagger to their feet and say anything at all. What terrifies so many about public speaking? […]
Read More...Speak Better Speak More: Position Yourself in the Speaking Industry
Discover the Art of Standing Out with Patricia Fripp and Lois Creamer. In a world where everyone wants to be heard, how do you make sure your voice rises above the rest? Join us, Patricia Fripp and Lois Creamer, as we dive into the essentials of your positioning statement and leverage Lois’s insights on marketing […]
Read More...Develop Your Storytelling Abilities: Life Lessons from Movie Stars and Hollywood
When we reminisce about Hollywood, it’s often the stories that movies tell that captivate us the most. Screenwriting teacher Robert McKee eloquently states, “Stories are the creative conversion of life itself into a more powerful, clearer, more meaningful experience. They are the currency of human contact.” Storytelling: The Cornerstone of Effective Leadership Many of us […]
Read More...How You Can Avoid Losing Sales: 8 Steps to Outstanding Sales Structure
Are you losing sales you feel you deserve to win? Are you confident that everyone on your sales team can deliver your company story well? Are you making the fatal flaw of many sales managers? You may be like many of my clients before I work with them. You have great products and services—perhaps complicated […]
Read More...Have You Built a Business? Or Do You Just Have a Job?
Even if you do not want to sell your business, if you prepare it so that you could, your current business will improve. I met Mike when he hired me to help him develop a speech to market his services. It worked! This article is from the content of his presentation. Enjoy. My friend Michael […]