I’m frequently asked, “What are the mistakes that speakers make?” One is thinking they have to write out their complete speech. What I recommend you do instead is follow a logical presentation preparation process. Think, what is the big idea of your speech, your premise, or your central theme? What are the talking points? What […]


Great Advice…Act As Your Own Warm-Up Act I’m frequently asked, “Patricia, what are some of the mistakes that many speakers make?” One is not to act as your own warm-up act. Whenever it is appropriate, walk around and speak to the audience before you’re introduced and on stage.


Give a Speech! Frippicism: People do business with people they know. Every service club and community group is looking for a free speaker next Thursday at lunchtime. Okay, it could be Wednesday morning at breakfast or even in Zoom. You get the point! If that is you, do not overlook a magnificent marketing opportunity.


How much time do you invest in improving your sales presentations? Sales presentation skills expert Patricia Fripp has provided a sales sampler from her FrippVT.com web-based training. Enjoy! “Back in 2018, we invited you to help us with an important sales presentation, which we won. You will be as excited to know, that it continues […]