Is this is the year that you are going to dramatically increase your sales? If so, you need to emotionally and intellectually connect with your audience – be it one, five, 50 or 500. Think of it this way – logic makes us think. People will not invest a large amount of money unless it makes logical, analytical sense. However, emotion makes us act. When you can emotionally connect with your audience you have a competitive edge.
One way you can emotionally connect with your audience is through eye contact. Make sure you are making eye contact when delivering your most critical thoughts, ideas, and phrases.
You can also connect with your audience through “you-focused” language. I don’t want to hear you saying, “I am going to talk about what I would like to do…” or “What I’d like to talk about first…” This is especially bad when you’ve already been talking for five minutes – your opening is long gone at this point.
Think about how you can be more inclusive in your language and also consider what you plan to say from your audience’s point of view.
My previous blogpost, “Do You Want to Appeal to Your Audience?” offers specific examples of how you can use “you-focused” language in your presentations and will help you determine whether you are appealing – or appalling – to your audience.
Also, “Build Emotional Connection Through Eye Contact” is a helpful blogpost that explains the importance of eye contact.
Browse these DVDs and CDs – to help you develop the sales presentation skills you need to get your prospects to connect both intellectually and emotionally. Learn the secrets to sales presentations that get results. https://fripp.com/store/sales-presentations/successful-sales-call-i/
Love Patricia Fripp. I want to know when she is speaking in San Diego and San Francisco.
I just spoke in San Francisco for the National Speakers Assn and it ws open to the public. No more public events until Las Vegas coaching camp in December. Most of my work is customized for clients.
Thanks for your interest. https://fripp.wpengine.com/public-speaking-events/ you can check these here.