My friend Pat Ferdinandi is a video strategist who helps individuals and organizations demonstrate their value and establish client trust through video. More than one billion unique users visit YouTube each month. Whether your videos are posted to YouTube or created exclusively for is specific clients, video is one of the most effective ways you […]


How Huge Changes in Buying Have Impacted Selling According to Daniel Pink, bestselling author of To Sell is Human, selling and buying has changed more in the last 5 years than it did in the last 100 years!  Unfortunately, most salespeople have NOT adapted to these changes.  What worked well just a few short years […]


Discover the strategies behind effective sales presentations, as I share the Inside Secrets of Powerful Persuasive Sales Presentations. Presentation skills are critical, because being perceived as a dynamic, inspiring, and persuasive communicator is no longer just a nice skill to have. It is a necessity that can mean the difference between business and career life […]


A third-party endorsement is alchemy of sorts, taking hours of conversation and interaction and condensing it into a couple of sentences. You cannot and must not lie when sharing third-party endorsement client stories, but you can condense a conversation. You can even dramatize an endorsement story as long as it is authentic and emotionally true. […]


Successful sales conversations are always focused on your potential client’s problem, goal, or challenge – NOT on your product or the service you provide.  Never presume you can meet a prospect’s needs before you have invited them to tell you what their needs actually are. My friend, sales expert and sales coach, Scott Plum shares […]


Successful sales presentations are always you-focused. For example, let’s take this sample opening – a sales manager pitching an association to host their annual conference at his hotel – and break it down. “In the next eight minutes, you will decide the best choice you can make for your association and your members is to […]


Our goal in sales presentations is to have our key ideas remembered and repeated. Say, for example, you are pitching a large project, and you represent just one of several bidding companies. Realistically, the prospect is not going to give you a yes or no answer when you are in the meeting, whether you are […]


If you want to deliver a successful presentation, you will spend a lot more time preparing for your presentation than you will speaking. Even highly experienced speakers must devote time to preparation, including rehearsal. My friend and colleague, Rob Biesenbach names inadequate rehearsal as one of the “11 Deadly Presentation Sins.” In his recent book […]


Life is a series of sales situations, and the answer is always “no” if you don’t ask.  Even Wayne Gretzky, the legendary hockey player agrees – “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” There are, however, two additional parts of the equation. The first is this: The real sale comes after the sale, […]