As a budding entrepreneur embarking on my journey with my upscale men’s hairstyling salon, I vividly remember attending my first management seminar. This was, of course, many moons ago, yet one statement from that day has stayed with me: ‘Your business is as good as your worst employee.’ Quite the alarming thought, isn’t it? Fast […]


Watch your use of “Basically” and “Simply” Many of my clients offer complex solutions to solve their customers’ problems, streamline their businesses, and protect their valuable assets. They engage me to help their technology experts simplify the complexity of their offerings so that their buyers will understand why it is a good investment. I tell […]


Every story has a “Once Upon a Time.”  Part Two. The place where the intricate weave of values, experiences, and influences begins to shape the fabric of our lives. When I was twelve, I knew I was more artistic than academic and enjoyed engaging with, and learning from, adults. It seemed a good idea to […]


In the competitive world of business, earning the right to win new clients is a crucial skill, especially for those early in their careers. Whether you’re a financial planner, a salesperson, or an entrepreneur, the challenge remains the same: How do you earn the trust and business of potential clients? Let’s delve into some proven […]


To win your audience’s heart and mind, it’s essential to forge an emotional bond right from the beginning of your presentation. However, what does that really mean, and how do you execute it effectively? Case Study: Changing the Point of View During one of my training sessions, Stephen, who has lived with deafness since birth, […]


You may be sitting on a goldmine of untapped stories to use in your presentations, and you don’t even realize it. How? By paying close attention to your everyday conversations. Let’s explore two ideas that may seem at odds but can work in tandem: The merit of recounting stories you’ve heard from others, versus the […]


You have 30 seconds to command the attention of your audience. Don’t waste it! Certain speech openings captivate, mystify, and create an emotional bond that keeps an audience in the palm of the speaker’s hand. What would you give to learn those essential opening moves? Those great ways to bond instantly with an audience so […]


Your ability to engage an audience is more than just a technique; it’s a disciplined approach that weaves together various elements to create a captivating experience. Following up from part one The Power of Your Opening – Unleash the Potential of the First 30 Seconds, discussed 5 opening techniques from my recent book with Darren […]