I’ve been paid to speak, train, and consult for over 35 years. I will let you in on the dirty little secret of the training industry… When you have a great speaker delivering content the audience is genuinely interested in, even in the most ideal situation, two weeks later the audience will have forgotten 70% […]


It’s a thrill to be honored as one of the National Speakers Association’s 10 Leading Ladies! All of us have served as president of the Association over the last forty-three years. The NSA was only 10 years old, when I became its first woman president. As young association, one of our greatest “growing up” challenges […]


“It is simply impossible to become a great leader without being a great communicator,” observes leadership writer, Mike Myatt in Forbes magazine. As a leader, the responsibility of communicating effectively rests squarely on your own shoulders. This is true even if you are fortunate enough to have a communications department or team of speechwriters at […]


Does your organization encourage, or even better, provide training to equip your employees with competitive communication and leadership skills? Have you considered your own in-house Toastmasters club or perhaps Fripp Virtual Training? If you are reluctant to allocate employee time or company resources to presentation training because you worry  “they might leave,” consider what my […]


I always say, “There’s no point in going anywhere if people don’t remember you were there.” Being memorable is key to effective networking, persuasive sales conversations, and powerful presentations. You can make yourself more memorable by building emotional connections and using “you-focused” language in all of your communications – and by cultivating your natural charisma. 


Leverage Your Time When Getting Publicity! Three Important Steps For Maximum Impact by Russell Trahan, President of PR/PR Many times I speak to potential clients who think “Oh, I know I’ll be rich and famous if only I can get into ‘X’ magazine or newspaper!” Remembering up front that it takes more than being a […]


It is mind-boggling how many highly-intelligent, well-educated, and ambitious executives spend years finding creative ways to get OUT of public speaking of any kind. Some even panic when these opportunities arise. My friend and colleague, Sims Wyeth very wisely reminds us not to waste these opportunities. Public Speaking Is The Glue by Sims Wyeth Public speaking […]


Who knew? Wow, I was looking at my retweets and saw at least in Evan Carmichael’s opinion I am one of the top 100 Top Leadership Experts to Follow on Twitter. Even though I have slipped a couple of places from last  year I feel pretty good. Thanks Evan. http://www.evancarmichael.com/Business-Coach/4492/April-2013-Top-100-Leadership-Experts-to-Follow-on-Twitter.html Patricia Fripp is an executive speech […]


I am on my way to speak for the National Speakers Association in Chicago on Friday, April 26th. The chapter has someone picking me up at the airport. Naturally I Googled who it was. WOW!!! As my favorite activity is having interesting conversations with interesting people you can image how excited  I am to find […]


You have to like selling to succeed at it. Success, after all, is doing what we like and making a living at it. Work isn’t work if you like it. And, success is a journey not a destination.