Let the competition make mistakes. Here are ways to leave a great lasting impression. From an interview with Sales and Marketing Management. Patricia Fripp chooses her hats carefully and her words even more carefully. The sales presentation and executive speech coach says a stylish hat has proven to be a reliable conversation starter—and starting a […]


Then remember, you can build your credibility with well-chosen words. Your management and leadership will notice. FrippVT is Easy. Convenient. Cost-Effective. One of the ways I help my clients get what they want in their lives and careers is by making them aware of how they can clean up their sloppy and nonspecific language. When […]


Emotional Connection To win over your audience, you must connect emotionally. With well-chosen words, you can open your presentation and establish an immediate emotional bond. s a presentation skills coach, when I work with a group, I’ll invite individuals to come to the front and deliver their opening lines. On one occasion, up walked Stephen. […]


Let’s look at some not-so-basic story basics. Stories and examples are best when they come from your experience. Your audience has a chance to relive them from their perspective. Here is an important point to make your stories credible. Point one, make your story part of your own experience. If you tell a story that […]


Had any good conversations recently? In this message, we’re going to clarify what you may believe are two conflicting ideas. The point of retelling stories you heard, and the idea of only telling stories from your own experience. If you are retelling stories you heard in conversation, and you make heroes of the people who […]


There are no boring subjects. There are only boring speakers. It doesn’t matter what your content or topic is, when presented well, it can be interesting and educational and make an emotional connection to the audience. There are some who claim that public speaking is merely knowing your subject. They take the attitude that having […]