Ever Wondered How to Open Your Presentation with Impact? This is how I opened my keynote presentation for District 12 Toastmasters Spring conference. “In July 1978 at the Galt House Hotel in Louville, KY at my second NSA convention Dr. Kenneth McFarland who was considered the Dean of all American speakers and the person we […]


Do You Want to Make Your Message Memorable? 8 Tips That Add Value to Your Words by Patricia Fripp, CSP, CPAE Some presenters are silly enough to think that if they talk longer, they are giving more value or getting their point across more effectively. Actually, audiences of any size from 5 to 500 are […]


Make Your Words Worth $1,000 a Second by Patricia Fripp, CSP, CPAE Some people think that if they talk longer, they are giving more value for money. Actually, audiences are eager for content, presented as efficiently and memorably as possible. Here’s another way to look at it. Transcribe one of your speeches, count the words, […]


How to Become a Better Public Speaker and Writer In my speaking schools and coaching camps we spend a lot of time getting the attendees to focus on the power of word choices. What helps in speaking also helps in writing. Non specific words such as stuff, thing, tons and bunches drives me crazy. If […]


What Do Your Awards from the National Speakers Association Mean? By Patricia Fripp  My executive speech coaching client and meeting planners often ask me “What do your credentials from the National Speakers Association mean?” In case you are interested here is the official answer as advertised by the NSA. As you know, certifications and professional credentials […]


A Great Acceptance Speech Example from Bruce Phipps, American Payroll Association 2011 Man of the Year. Every year I help the American Payroll Association’s Man and Woman of the Year prepare their speech to be delivered at the APA national convention called Congress. The Man and Woman of the Year deliver an eight-minute speech the […]


Whenever you open your mouth, whether your audience is ten people or a thousand, you naturally want to get a specific message across. Whenever you set out to present, persuade, and propel with the spoken word you want to keep the audience engaged…from the moment you walk on stage or to the front of the […]