Great Advice…Act As Your Own Warm-Up Act I’m frequently asked, “Patricia, what are some of the mistakes that many speakers make?” One is not to act as your own warm-up act. Whenever it is appropriate, walk around and speak to the audience before you’re introduced and on stage.


How much time do you invest in improving your sales presentations? Sales presentation skills expert Patricia Fripp has provided a sales sampler from her web-based training. Enjoy! “Back in 2018, we invited you to help us with an important sales presentation, which we won. You will be as excited to know, that it continues […]


The National Speakers Associations’ first president Bill Gove told me, “Fripp, the written word is for the eye. The spoken word is for the rhythm.” Understanding the difference between the written word and the spoken word was just one sign of Bill’s brilliance as a speaker. Imagine you are having a conversation with a friend, […]


In a recent interview, I was asked, “What advice do you have for virtual meetings? I have been coaching people virtually for at least 10 years. Even before Zoom was invented, I had my own virtual studio. Although I still speak professionally, my major business now is helping other people with their presentations, whether they […]


The purpose of a speaker’s introduction is to establish their credentials, to create interest from the audience, and often to sell the importance of the subject to that audience at that time. Recently at a client’s conference, one of my roles and responsibilities was to introduce other speakers, all of whom I had recommended. A […]


Success: 3 Frippicisms at a Time One. Make short-term decisions that will help your long-term goals. Ask yourself, “Will my time and financial investments position me and my business for where I want to be in 5 years?” Consider the timeline of your weekly activity. Are you learning, improving, staying connected with past clients, and […]