An outside perspective on your presentation or public speaking skills is often the best way to discover where you can improve your content or delivery. However, ask yourself: “Is this person giving their advice truly qualified to help me? Does this person have my best interests at heart? Am I asking for their input, or […]


It is mind-boggling how many highly-intelligent, well-educated, and ambitious executives spend years finding creative ways to get OUT of public speaking of any kind. Some even panic when these opportunities arise. My friend and colleague, Sims Wyeth very wisely reminds us not to waste these opportunities. Public Speaking Is The Glue by Sims Wyeth Public speaking […]


For the fourth time Hollywood and NSA Royalty collide!  Officers of the National Speakers Association Northern California Chapter  (NSANC) are excited to present a very special program on Saturday, May 3, 2014 in the San Francisco Bay Area. Patricia Fripp and Michael Hauge give both another reason to celebrate that special show business bond. Registration: 8:30am […]


When you speak to business and professional speakers and Toastmasters, as I do, about public speaking and advanced presentation techniques, it is assumed that you will be quoted. In fact, I encourage the best way to learn a public speaking technique or idea is to teach someone else what you think you just learned. However, there is a […]


Who knew? Wow, I was looking at my retweets and saw at least in Evan Carmichael’s opinion I am one of the top 100 Top Leadership Experts to Follow on Twitter. Even though I have slipped a couple of places from last  year I feel pretty good. Thanks Evan. Patricia Fripp is an executive speech […]


Then here is some advice from Patricia Fripp, THE Executive Speech Coach Never waste your audience’s time with trivialities. I heard a speaker addressing a San Francisco audience. He started with how nice it was to be there, how great the weather was, and how he loves our restaurants. Who cares? I didn’t race across […]


Speakers: To persuade, get concrete. To inspire, be abstract. Reposted by Patricia Fripp and the content is from Denise Graveline. Should you try to inspire your audience–or persuade them? Are you speaking about why your audience should do something–or how to pull it off? New research suggests that decision depends on the timing of your […]


Want to be an Effective Writer and Speaker? Patricia Fripp is a Hall of Fame keynote speaker, executive speech coach, sales presentation skills trainer and partern in World Champions Edge coaching community. Tried-and-true words and phrases are convenient, but they are also truly trying—as with clichés, when a writer or speaker relies too heavily on […]


Power Pitching — Get the Personal Edge By Patricia FrippWhenever and whatever you are pitching, dozens of factors will figure in the final decision of your prospects. All else being equal you have the edge if you can establish a personal connection. You can establish a personal connection when you take this advice. Connect emotionally […]


Confused about hyphens?  I would like to share this article from Ragan Communications on the correct use of hyphens. I have keynoted the Ragan Speechwriters Conference several times and sometimes I have just attended as a participant. All Ragan’s information is helpful, especially in regards to writing. As you strive for excellence in all areas […]