When you give a speech and use a reference from the past, do you research it? For instance, one of my executive coaching clients asked for help with his Father of the Bride speech. He wanted to use the phrase tying the knot. I asked, “Do you know the historical reference?” We researched it and […]
Read More...Secrets to Help Your Audiences Remember Your Message: Your Phrase That Pays
Every day, we are bombarded with more information than we can remember. Whatever your role, you want your message to be remembered and repeated to others. When we do that, we are speaking to the audience of our audience. In selling, managing, inspiring, leading, training, copywriting, and, in fact, all forms of communication, we must […]
Read More...Do You Know How Your Visual Aids May Harm Your Audience Members?
I help high-tech companies with product launches and customer user conferences to highlight the value of their technology. It is a privilege to assist brilliant technical presenters in better understanding how to talk like real people speaking to real people. Their presentations need to simplify the complexity of technology without ever using the words basic […]
Read More...Unveil the Magic: The Essence to Craft Creative Presentations
How often have you wondered where the magic begins in crafting a presentation that captivates, informs, and inspires? Consider yourself the chemist concocting a potion that will enchant your audience. Let’s dive into the three essential ingredients that transform your presentation from ordinary to extraordinary. The Content: Your Main Ingredient Think of your content as […]
Read More...Speak Better Speak More: Position Yourself in the Speaking Industry
Discover the Art of Standing Out with Patricia Fripp and Lois Creamer. In a world where everyone wants to be heard, how do you make sure your voice rises above the rest? Join us, Patricia Fripp and Lois Creamer, as we dive into the essentials of your positioning statement and leverage Lois’s insights on marketing […]
Read More...You Don’t Like It: Learn from It. Transform Criticism into Success
Criticism, or as you may prefer to call it, “constructive feedback,” is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to refine their presentation skills. While the sting of criticism can be unsettling, embracing it as a tool for growth is a hallmark of a seasoned professional. The Audience as Critics In my extensive career as a […]
Read More...How to Arouse Interest in Your Subject
You have 30 seconds to command the attention of your audience. Don’t waste it! Certain speech openings captivate, mystify, and create an emotional bond that keeps an audience in the palm of the speaker’s hand. What would you give to learn those essential opening moves? Those great ways to bond instantly with an audience so […]
Read More...Want to Rock the Stage? Don’t Miss this Step to Presentation Success
Rehearsal is the secret sauce to a memorable presentation that will leave your audience buzzing with excitement and wanting more! Don’t even think about skipping this crucial step – it’s the ultimate key to unlocking your full potential as a speaker. Step 1: Embrace the Power of Rehearsals Once you’ve fine-tuned your talk, it’s showtime! […]
Read More...“The Rule of Three” Makes Magic – Do You Cast This Spell On Your Audiences?
“The Rule of Three” is a writing and speaking principle suggesting that a trio of events or characters is more humorous, satisfying, and effective than other numbers. The trio format holds a unique appeal to audiences. The use of three elements offers brevity, rhythm, and a concise pattern that sticks in your audiences’ minds. with […]
Read More...Find the Power in Interesting Statistics and Little-Known Facts
Are you ready to take your presentations to the next level and captivate your audience from the very beginning? One surefire way to make a memorable impact is by incorporating interesting statistics and little-known facts into your opening. In this article, we will explore a brilliant example of how industry expert Lisa Poole used these […]