Give a Speech! Frippicism: People do business with people they know. Every service club and community group is looking for a free speaker next Thursday at lunchtime. Okay, it could be Wednesday morning at breakfast or even in Zoom. You get the point! If that is you, do not overlook a magnificent marketing opportunity.
Read More...Powerful Presentations Must Make an Emotional Connection with Your Audience – Learn How
To win over your audience, you must connect emotionally. With well-chosen words, you can open your presentation and establish an immediate emotional bond. As a presentation skills coach, when I work with a group, I’ll invite individuals to come to the front and deliver their opening lines. On one occasion, up walked Stephen. He began […]
Read More...Don’t Waste Words and an Amazing Opportunity When You Open Your Presentation
When you open your presentation, you have just thirty seconds to command your audience’s attention. Don’t waste your opening words. Prepare a winning opening and give it extra attention as you rehearse your presentation. A relevant and compelling quote is one way to open a presentation and engage your audience. General Eisenhower said, “Leadership is […]
Read More...Don’t Make This Mistake and Be Confused. The Written and Spoken Word?
The National Speakers Associations’ first president Bill Gove told me, “Fripp, the written word is for the eye. The spoken word is for the rhythm.” Understanding the difference between the written word and the spoken word was just one sign of Bill’s brilliance as a speaker. Imagine you are having a conversation with a friend, […]
Read More...Dr. Nido Qubein Interviews Patricia Fripp on Side By Side on Personal Communications.
Recently, I had the honor to be a guest on the PBS show Side by Side with Nido Qubein. Dr. Qubein is the President of High Point University, a great speaker, corporate advisor, author, and past president of the National Speakers Association. He asked me, “Can anyone become a good speaker?” “Why do so many […]
Read More...How You Can Present in Virtual Presentations and Look Like a Pro
In a recent interview, I was asked, “What advice do you have for virtual meetings? I have been coaching people virtually for at least 10 years. Even before Zoom was invented, I had my own virtual studio. Although I still speak professionally, my major business now is helping other people with their presentations, whether they […]
Read More...What Does it Take to Make Your Presentation Introductions Exciting?
The purpose of a speaker’s introduction is to establish their credentials, to create interest from the audience, and often to sell the importance of the subject to that audience at that time. Recently at a client’s conference, one of my roles and responsibilities was to introduce other speakers, all of whom I had recommended. A […]
Read More...The Best Way You Can Introduce A Speaker With A Dramatic Life Story
I introduced my long-time friend, Nacole Schapiro before her speech to the Golden Gate Breakfast Club. Although she is a professional keynote speaker who often presents on negotiation and change, I knew our group would love to hear her personal story about growing up under communism. Her family lived in fear that they would be shot if […]
Read More...The Best Way to Structure Your Presentation: The Fripp Speech Model
“Good structure gives you the confidence to be creative.” Patricia Fripp How often have you sat in an audience and been mesmerized by a speaker? Was it their compelling content? Were their stories scintillating? Were they able to reach out and grab you in such a way that you thought, “Wow, the speaker is talking […]
Read More...How You Can Maximize the Power of Collaboration: Enjoy the Anatomy of a Speech – Part Ten
In 2001, I was invited to deliver the opening keynote speech at the Toastmasters International Convention. In this 10-segment series, you view the anatomy of a keynote presentation. 10 of 10. “This is your homework assignment. (Now I would call it a Frippercize.) I want you to sit down with some of your other Toastmaster […]