The first and last thirty seconds of your speech have the most impact on your audience. Last words linger. Unfortunately, there are some common mistakes you can make in closing your presentation that will actually undermine your message. Learn how to craft the closing of your presentation so that it reinforces your message. In this […]


It is not only what you say that matters, it is also how you say it – what your body language conveys. Does your delivery detract from your message? When rehearsing your presentation, your must develop a strategy for eye contact and movement that supports your message.  Know the difference between purposeful movement and involuntary […]


It is mind-boggling how many highly-intelligent, well-educated, and ambitious executives spend years finding creative ways to get OUT of public speaking of any kind. Some even panic when these opportunities arise. My friend and colleague, Sims Wyeth very wisely reminds us not to waste these opportunities. Public Speaking Is The Glue by Sims Wyeth Public speaking […]


The Wit and Wisdom of Phyllis Diller My friend Brian Palmer is one of the most creative and ethical professionals in our speaking industry.  He is president of the National Speakers Bureau   which was founded by his father, John Palmer.  Back in the day, John was a well-known bandleader and performed with Phyllis Diller. Brian […]


Want to make a deep, emotional impact on your audience? My friend and colleague, Bob Roitblat is a professional speaker and actor.  He lends us another Hollywood technique for better professional speaking. This one is: Think it. Feel it. Speak it. Think it. Feel it. Speak it. by Bob Roitblat Whether you’re an actor, business […]


As you strive for excellence in all areas of your business communications, remember that good speakers can benefit from learning the secrets of good writers. Developing a successful presentation begins with thoughtful structure and word choices. If you want to improve your public speaking, why not gain the advantage of improved writing skills? Make it a daily […]


Is your audience hearing what you are attempting to communicate? If not, perhaps this is because your delivery is distracting from your message. After all, it is not only what you say – it is how you say it. As a speech coach I am frequently asked, “I have my presentation together. Can you just […]


When you receive feedback and advice on how to improve your presentation skills you need to ask yourself: Is the person giving this advice truly qualified to help me improve? Does the person giving me feedback have my best interests at heart? Am I seeking advice or are they motivated to give it to me? […]


Are you practicing your public speaking to improve…or to reinforce bad habits? We hear people say, “Practice makes perfect.” In reality, practice makes permanent. It is helpful to get an outside perspective on your presentation to reveal any areas in which you might improve your content or delivery. Practice in front of an audience. Ask […]